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Allocation of Marks and any additional requirements Module Assessments* Project Project Presentation Project Supervisors Mark50 40 5 5* Taken pro rata amongst the modules according to module size 9. 9.1 9.2Requirements to Pass Overall In order to gain the BSc with Honours An average mark of 40% aggregated from the marks listed in 8 above, including an average mark of 40% aggregated from the Project, Project presentation and supervisors mark. In order to gain the BSc A candidate who has: achieved at least 40% for the weighted aggregate mark for all 3 years and has achieved 40% in the project and oral together and has not achieved a mark of 40% in the aggregated taught module assessment, may be considered for BSc if s/he has achieved at least 40% in the assessment of taught modules to the value of one module (i.e. one whole module or two half modules). 10. Consequences of Failure A candidate who has achieved at least 40% in the project and oral together but has not achieved a mark of 40% in the aggregated module assessment, may be considered for an ordinary degree if s/he has achieved at least 40% in the assessment of taught modules to the value of one module (i.e. one whole module or two half modules). A candidate who is not eligible for an honours or an ordinary degree will not be eligible for any award or resit opportunity. S/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. A candidate who successfully passed Year 2 shall remain eligible for the award of Diploma of Higher Education. 11. Honours Classification The marks from Years 1, 2 and 3 shall be weighted in the ratio 1:2:3 and aggregated and then scaled to a percentage. If a candidate has been admitted with exemption directly to Year 2, the marks from Years 2 and 3 shall be weighted in the ratio 35:55 and aggregated and then scaled to give a percentage. For candidates who have passed the year overall as described in 10 above, the Degree shall be classified as follows: First Class First Class Upper Second Class Upper Second Class Lower Second Class Lower Second Class Third Class Third Class Pass Degree 70% or above with at least 60% in the Third Year 69% or above with at least 60% in the Third Year and at least 75% for the combined Project marks 60% to 69.% with at least 50% in the Third Year 59% or above with at least 50% in the Third Year and at least 65% for the combined Project marks 50% to 59.% with at least 40% in the Third Year 49% or above with at least 40% in the Third Year and at least 55% for the combined Project marks 40% to 49.% with at least 40% in the Third Year 39% or above with at least 40% in the Third Year and at least 45% for the combined Project marks As 9.2 above 12.Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number. 13. Absence from in-course summative assessments Where a student has an allowable absence, s/he will be marked absent (A) from a summative in course assessment. Where a student has an A, and there are three or more in-course assessments in the year, the marks awarded will be the average of the other in-course assessment marks gained by the student. 90% of the marks for the year must be attributed to results of direct assessment i.e. no more that 10% of marks can be attributed to Absent (A) marks. An allowable absence is one that for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence will only be considered allowable if agreed by APRICOT. A student absent for any other reason will be awarded 0 (zero) for the assessment. 14.Late submission of work Reports or Project work submitted after the due deadline cannot receive a mark greater than a bare pass. The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the relevant tutor for an allowable reason.      !/GHIZ\^  i w x y & ' ( , ? 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