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Requirement to be completed to permit entry to the examination: To have satisfactory attendance at practical classes, directed learning sessions and in course formative assessments according to RVC Policy. 7. 7.1 7.2 Marking Criteria: Examinations, In course Assessments, Orals and Spot Tests. See College 0-10 Marking Scheme attached Annexe I Multiple Choice Questions The number of marks available for each type of question will be clearly stated on the examination paper. A question left unanswered or deleted by the candidate will score zero. 8. Allocation of Marks and any additional requirements  Written Paper 1 Written Paper 2 Written Paper 3 ISF practical/oral (of 10 questions) In course summative assessmentsFirst Sit 25 25 25 25 0*Resit 25 25 25 25 0 *This is a formative assessment.9. 9.1. 9.2 9.3Requirements to Pass Overall and Progress to the Next Stage First Sit An average mark of 50% or more aggregated from the marks listed in 8 above and A pass in the Animal Handling OSCE and . To be able to complete 12 weeks of Animal Husbandry Extra Mural studies prior to commencing year 3 of the BVetMed. Resit An average mark of 50% or more aggregated from the marks listed in 8 above. To be able to complete 12 weeks of Animal Husbandry Extra Mural studies prior to commencing year 3 of the BVetMed. As first sit The Animal Husbandry Study report will contribute to the Year 3 BVetMed examination.10. Consequences of Failure A candidate who fails at the first sit is required to take the resit or withdraw from the course. A candidate who fails only the Animal Handling OSCE will be required to retake the OSCE only on one further occasion A candidate who fails at the resit will be required to withdraw from the course. S/he has a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. 11. 11.1 11.2 Classification A candidate who obtains an average mark of 65-74% inclusive will be awarded a pass with merit. A candidate who obtains an average mark of 75% or more will be awarded a pass with distinction. 12. Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number. 13. Absence from in course summative assessments: Where a student has an allowable absence, s/he will be marked absent (A) from a summative assessment. Where a student has an A, and there are three or more in-course assessments in the year, the marks awarded will be the average of the other in-course assessment marks gained by the student. 90% of the marks for the year must be attributed to results of direct assessment i.e. no more than 10% of marks can be attributed to Absent (A) marks. An allowable absence is one that is for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence will only be considered allowable if agreed by APRICOT and this will only apply in very strictly limited circumstances. A student absent for any other reason will be awarded 0 (zero) for the assessment. 14.Late submission of work Reports or Project work submitted after the due deadline will be given a mark of 0 (zero). The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the year leaderrelevant tutor for an allowable reason.      $%'(1:;<>?Goqst öshhU_5CJ^JaJ7hU_hU_h-BSCJ^JaJcHdhdhdhFfhU_5CJ\^JaJhU_hU_5CJ\^JaJhU_CJ^JaJhU_hU_CJ^JaJhU_hc2|5CJ\^JaJHhChHCJ^JaJ7hU_hc2|hHCJ^JaJcHdhdhdhC"%():;<?@opxrdr[ $IfgdU_  9r $IfgdU_$Ifqkd$$Ifl0;""0%4 la $IfgdU_$If@&gd *7pqtu~q~  $If^ gdU_ $IfgdU_$Ifqkd$$Ifl0;""0%4 la|sff|s  $If^ gdU_ $IfgdU_  9r $If$Ifqkd.$$Ifl0;""0%4 la $Ifqkd$$Ifl0;""0%4 la         ( ) r y { 7 ѵ~~bRBBbBb~HhFh"\CJ^JaJHhFhZCJ^JaJ7hU_hU_h"\CJ^JaJcHdhdhdhFhU_CJ^JaJhU_hU_5CJ\^JaJhU_hH5CJ\^JaJhU_hU_CJ^JaJ7hU_hU_hHCJ^JaJcHdhdhdhChHhpFCJ^JaJHhChHCJ^JaJHhChU_CJ^JaJ      ( ) 8 i 8  9r $IfgdU_ $IfgdU_$If$C$IfI$C$EƀCIf7 8 9 J O W X Y g n p q r s u - D F G H L V W j k y Ͽ߯ߢxxnnnxcUnnhU_hU_CJ\^JaJhU_CJ\^JaJhU_CJ^JaJhU_5CJ\^JaJhU_hU_CJ^JaJhU_hU_5CJ\^JaJhU_hHCJ^JaJHh+fhHCJ^JaJHh+fheCJ^JaJHhCheCJ^JaJHhChHCJ^JaJHhChU_CJ^JaJ 8 9 W X Y o p gL$C$Eƀ+fIfgdHL$C$EƀCIfgdHp q r s v -'$If}kd\$$Ifl0;""0%4 lagCytHh6I $IfgdU_L$C$EƀCIfgdU_v w F G H K L P Q R V W X ~qkd $$Ifl0;""0%4 la $Ifgdc2|$IfX j k vpp$Ifqkd$$Ifl0;""0%4 la  9r $Ifgdc2| $Ifgdc2| zj]S]C]6C6C]hU_5CJ\^JaJhU_hU_5CJ\^JaJhU_CJ^JaJhU_hU_CJ^JaJhehU_5CJ\^JaJThehU_hHCJOJQJaJcHdhdhdhC+f*OJQJ^J7hehU_hHCJ^JaJcHdhdhdhCHh#hPQCJ^JaJBHhChehHCJOJQJaJ+f*OJQJ^JhehU_CJ^JaJ   = C c {nnnnna $If`gdt $If`gdt$IfukdF$$Ifl4w0;"`"0%4 la $IfgdU_     * < = b c m o p r s u v x y z | } ܼܡܼ܉|l|hU_hU_5CJ\^JaJhU_hU_CJ^JaJhU_5CJ\^JaJht5CJ^JaJhthtCJ^JaJhtht5CJ^JaJhU_ht5CJ\^JaJHhFh"\CJ^JaJhU_htCJ^JaJhtCJ^JaJht5CJ\^JaJ)c m p s v y z } $If  $If^ gdt$"$If^"a$gdt$$If^a$gdt $$Ifa$gdt$ $If^ a$gdt$H$If^Ha$gdt B9 $IfgdU_kd$$Ifl4fr; w"  nS 0%4 la $Ifgdt$If ;;;;I$C$Eƀ+fIf$Ifukd"$$Ifl40;" "0%4 la kl4569¸{_CCҫ8htCJ\^JaJ7hU_hthHCJ^JaJcHdhdhdhC7hU_hthHCJ^JaJcHdhdhdhCHh궦h CJ^JaJHhChHCJ^JaJHhChHCJ^JaJhU_htCJ^JaJhtCJ^JaJhU_ht5CJ\^JaJhU_heCJ^JaJHh+fheCJ^JaJHh+fhtCJ^JaJ !l $Ifgdt$IfI$C$Eƀ+fIflp  UL$C$Eƀ+fIfgdH $IfgdH $IfgdtL$C$EƀCIfgdt 56:;VA8888 $Ifgdtqkd$$Ifl0;""0%4 laL$C$Eƀ+fIfgdH9:;V.23CDEGylyyyyyԎbh% CJ^JaJhthtCJ^JaJhtCJ^JaJht5CJ^JaJht5CJ\^JaJ%Hh"+fhW5CJ\^JaJ%Hh +fhUB5CJ\^JaJ%Hh!+fhUB5CJ\^JaJhU_htCJ^JaJhU_ht5CJ\^JaJhthtCJ\^JaJ&0g^^ $IfgdtL$C$EƀF+fIfgdtL$C$Eƀ!+fIfgdtDE~~~~~ $Ifgdt$Ifqkdj$$Ifl0;""0%4 la ~~~ $Ifgdt$Ifqkd$$Ifl0;""0%4 la&(?IM,-.12IJK $%&*ʕi\hU_hc2|CJ^JaJ7hU_hthUBCJ^JaJcHdhdhdh +fHh +fhUBCJ^JaJht5CJ\^JaJhtCJ^JaJhU_ht6CJ]^JaJhU_ht>*CJ^JaJhtht5CJ^JaJht5CJ^JaJhU_ht5CJ\^JaJhU_htCJ^JaJ!'(LMAB~~~~~~~~~~ $Ifgdt$Ifqkd$$Ifl0;""0%4 la,-.2JK$%skd/ $$Ifl0;""0%4 la $Ifgdt%&'()*,-/0235678gdc2|skd $$IflF0;""0%4 la*+-.013478hU_hc2|CJ^JaJh jh U (. 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