ࡱ>  @bjbjWW u==w8 $PM&C&E&E&E&E&E&E&(+E&E&Z&.vC&C&:!,a"в$,^)" /&&<&3".,^,a"a"J,"E&E&&, : ASSESSMENT AND AWARD REGULATIONS 2013/14 1. Course: Modular Regulations for PGCert, PGDip and MSc in Intensive Livestock Health & Production One Health Risk Analysis in Health and Food Safety Veterinary Education Wild Animal Biology Wild Animal Health 2. Applicable to Academic Year: for students commencing the course in September 2013 3. Credit Value and Award Regulations: The credit value of each module and formation of each award title is described in Annexe A4. Mark Allocation within Modules The mark allocation within each module is described in Annexe A5. Marking Criteria: Written examinations (except MCQs) and in-course assessment see Colleges Common Marking Scheme ( HYPERLINK "http://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/StudentsAndTeaching/AARegs2009_10/Consolidated_Common_Grading_Scheme.doc" http://intranet.rvc.ac.uk/StudentsAndTeaching/AARegs2009_10/Consolidated_Common_Grading_Scheme.doc) MCQs the number of marks available for each question will be clearly stated on the examination paper. A question left unanswered or deleted by the candidate will score zero. Oral examination The Colleges marking scheme for Orals Teaching Presentations The Colleges marking scheme 1-10 6.Requirements to Pass 6.1 Requirements to pass each Module To have achieved a weighted, aggregated average of at least 50% (or gained exemptions) from all of the pieces of work combined. AND To have achieved a pass in each of the practical pieces of work AND To have submitted all the compulsory formative assignments 6.1.1 Requirements to become an Associate in Veterinary Education To have achieved an average of 50% or above from summative assignments to the value of 20 credits 6.2 Requirements to be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate. 6.2.1 To have passed individual modules (including exemptions) amounting to 60 credits Or 6.2.2. To have gained a weighted aggregated average of 50% from modules to the value of 60 credits with modules amounting to a total of no more than 15 credits or one 15 credit module gaining a mark between 40 and 49%. All other modules must have a mark of 50% or more. 6.3 Requirements to be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma 6.3.1 To have passed individual modules (including exemptions) amounting to 120 credits or 6.3.2. To have gained a weighted aggregated average of 50% from modules to the value of 120 credits with modules amounting to a total of no more than 15 credits or one 15 credit module or one 30 credit module gaining a mark between 40 and 49%. All other modules must have a mark of 50% or more. 6.4. Requirements to pass the MSc 6.4.1. To have passed the research module and to have passed individual modules (including exemptions) which when combined amount to 180 credits in total. Or 6.4.2. To have passed the research module and to have gained a weighted aggregated average of 50% from the remaining balance of modules to make 180 credits in total and with modules amounting to a total of no more than 15 credits, or one 15 credit module or one 30 credit module gaining a mark between 40 and 49%. All other modules must have a mark of 50% or more. 7. Consequences of Failure 7.1 A student who fails a module at the first attempt shall have a right to resit. 7.2 S/he will be required to resit those pieces of work that were failed (with less than 40%) at the first attempt. S/he will also be required to resit any piece of work with a mark of 40-49% in order to pass a module if it has not been passed on aggregate at the first attempt. 7.2 A student who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course. S/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations  8. Classification and Awards: From the combined mark taken from all of the components defined in 7 above. 75% or more at first attempt from the aggregate of all modules: Distinction 65-74% at first attempt from the aggregate of all modules: Merit 9. Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number. 10. Absence and in-course assessment An allowable absence is one that is for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence will only be considered allowable if agreed by PG APRICOT and this will only apply in very strictly limited circumstances. A student absent for any other reason will be awarded 0 (zero) for the assessment. 11. Late submission of work Assessments which do not form 100% of the assessed work for a particular module submitted after the due deadline will be given a mark of 0 (zero). The written report of major research projects submitted after the due deadline will be subject to a maximum mark of a bare pass. Assessments that form 100% of the assessed work for a particular module, submitted after the due deadline will be subject to a maximum mark of a bare pass, the only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the course leader through the defined College procedure for an allowable reason.  Annexe A Module TitleCredit ValueAssessments Assessment SizeAssessment WeightingCompulsory for which awardOptional for which awardPrinciples and Practices of Food Systems30Written Assignment 1 Oral Examination Written ExaminationUp to 5000 words 10 minutes 2 hours45% 5% 50%PG Cert ILHP PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPPeople in the System15Written Assignment 1 Oral Examination Written ExaminationUp to 2000 words 10 minutes 1 hour45% 5% 50%PG Cert ILHP PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPCurrent Trends in Food Systems15Written Assignment 1 Oral Examination Written ExaminationUp to 2000 words 10 minutes 1 hour45% 5% 50%PG Cert ILHP PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPApplied Animal Welfare15In course assessment 1 In course assessment 2Up to 2000 words Up to 3000 words or equivalent50% 50%PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPEpidemiology15In course assessment 1 Written ExaminationUp to 2000 words 1.5 hours50% 50%PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPFood Safety: A system-wide approach15In course assessment 1 Written ExaminationUp to 2000 words or equivalent 1 hour50% 50%PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPGenetics and Genomics in Livestock Management15In course assessment 1 In course assessment 2 Written ExaminationUp to 15 slides or equivalent Up to 2000 words 1 hour30% 35% 35%PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPInfectious Diseases of Intensively Reared Livestock Poultry15In course assessment 1 Written ExaminationUp to 2000 words or equivalent 2 hours50% 50%PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPInfectious Diseases of Intensively Reared Livestock Pigs15In course assessment 1 Written ExaminationUp to 2000 words or equivalent 2 hours50% 50%PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPAnimal Health Economics15In course assessment 1 Oral Examination Written ExaminationUp to 2000 words 10 minutes 1 hour45% 5% 50%PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPApplied Animal Nutrition15In course assessment 1 Written ExaminationUp to 2000 words or equivalent 1 hour50% 50%PG Dip ILHP MSc ILHPResearch Methods for the Food System15In course assessment 1 Written ExaminationUp to 2000 words 2 hours50% 50 %MSc ILHPPG Dip ILHP ILHP Research Project45Written assignment 1 Written assignment 2 Oral ExaminationLiterature review (up to 1000 words)* Research paper (up to 4000 words)* 20 min *for social science based projects, with agreement of supervisor, combined max word count of assignments 1 and 2 may be 10,000 words30% 60% 10%MSc ILHPAssociate in Veterinary Education 203 Formative Assignment Written Assignment 3000 words (formative) 2500 words  100%Associate in Vet EdPrinciples and Practice in Veterinary Education30Formative Assignment Written Assignments Teaching Observation 3000 words (formative) 2500 words 1 hr teaching session + assessment 30 minutes 100% Pass/Fail PG Cert Vet EdCurrent Issues in Veterinary Education30Formative Assignment Written Assignment Teaching Practical3000 words (formative) 2500 words 30 min teaching session + assessment 30 minutes 100% Pass/FailPG Cert Vet EdEnhancing Teaching and Learning with Technology15Written Assignment 1 Written Assignment 2 1500-2000 words 1500-2000 words 50% 50%PG Dip Vet EdLecturing and Teaching in Large Groups15Written Assignment Practical2000 - 2500 words 30 minutes50% 50%PG Dip Vet EdSmall Group Teaching 15Written Assignment Practical2000 2500 words 30 minutes50% 50%PG Dip Vet EdTeaching the Basic Sciences in a Clinical Context15Written Assignment 1 Written Assignment 2 Practical750-1000words1000-1500 words 30 minutes 30% 40% 30%PG Dip Vet Ed Educational Research Methods - Qualitative and Quantitative 15Written Assignment 1 Written Assignment 2 Written Assignment 3 Exam750 - 1000 words 750 - 1000 words 1000-1500 words 1 hr open book exam25% 25% 25% 25%PG Dip Vet EdEvidence based Veterinary Education15Written Assignment 1 Practical 2000-2500 words 30 minutes 0% 50%PG Dip Vet EdAssessment, Feedback and Learning 15Written Assignment Practical2000 - 2500 words 30 minutes50% 50%Vet EdPG Dip Vet EdClinical Reasoning and Patient Based Teaching 15Written Assignment Practical2000 - 2500 words 30 minutes50% 50%Vet EdPG Dip Vet EdVeterinary Education Research Project45Written Assignment 1 Written Assignment 2 Oral Examination Research paper 4000 - 4500 words Lit review 2500 - 3000 20 min oral exam60% 30% 10%MSc Vet EdConservation Biology 15Examinations In course Assessment 1.5 hours Up to 750 words75% 25%WAH and WABThe Impact of Disease on Populations 15Examinations In course Assessment 1.5 hours Up to 1000 words75% 25%WAH and WABHealth and Welfare of Captive Wild Animals 15Examinations In course Assessment 1.5 hours Up to 750 words75% 25%WAH and WABInterventions 15Examinations In course Assessment1.5 hours < 15 min Presentation75% 25%WAH and WABDetection and Surveillance of Emerging Disease15Examinations In course Assessment1.5 hours < 15 min Presentation75% 25%WAH and WABEcosystem Health15Examinations In course Assessment1.5 hours Up to 750 words75% 25%WAH and WABEvaluation of the Health and Welfare of Captive Wild Animals15Examinations In course Assessment1.5 hours Poster75% 25%WAH and WABPathology Practical15Examinations In course Assessment Procedures List1.5 hours Up to 1200 words Signed off75% 25% 0%WABClinical Procedures and Pathology15Examinations In course Assessment Procedures List1.5 hours Up to 1200 words Signed off75% 25% 0%WAHWild Animal Research Module60Grant Application Scientific Paper Student Conference Oral Examination10-12 pages 5000 words Presentation of research finding 20-30 minutes20% 70% 0% 10%WAH and WABIntroduction to Risk Analysis in Health and Food Safety 10Examination2.5 hours100%PG Cert RAiHFS Advanced quantitative risk assessment modelling 10 Examination2.5 hours100%PG Cert RAiHFS Practical module 40Model Reportnot applicable 2,000 words50% 50%PG Cert RAiHFS Foundations of One Health15Formative assessment: PBL (group work) Summative assessment: Written assignment Open Book Examination Up to 2000 words Up to 1.5 hours 50% 50%MSc One HealthIntroduction to disease agents for One Health15Formative assessment: Mock Open Book Examination Summative assessment: Open Book ExaminationUp to 1 hour Up to 2 hours 100%MSc One HealthInfectious disease emergence15Formative assessment: Individual presentation Summative assessment: Risk Assessment exercise 15 min 1500 words 50 50%MSc One HealthIntegrating One Health epidemiology and surveillance15Formative assessment: Four short answer exercises Summative assessment: Written assignment critical review of a paper Up to 2000 wordsCompulsory 100%MSc One HealthEconomics of One Health15Summative assessment: in-course assignment case examples Summative assessment: Open Book Examination  Four questions (3-4 hours each) Up to 2 hoursCompulsory 50% 50%MSc One HealthOne Health skills development15Formative assessment: Group work interdisciplinary principles assessed (PBL). Summative Assessment: Written assignment policy or strategy paper 20 minute presentation (group output PBL) 20 minute assessment of individual contribution to PBL by facilitator Up to 2500 words 100%MSc One HealthMedical anthropology and public health15Summative assessment: Essay Up to 2500 words 100%MSc One Health Module 8 Choice One of the following modules is chosenVector biology and vector-parasite interactions 15Summative assessment: Multiple choice examination Written assignment - research proposal in the form suitable to submit to a named grant funding agency Up to 1 hour Up to 2000 words 33% 67%MSc One HealthEnvironmental epidemiology15Multiple-choice test For students who are required to re-sit, or granted a deferral or new attempt, the task will be to write an essay of no more than 1,500 words in response to a technical enquiry about an environmental epidemiology issue. The task would be described as a policy choice facing a local authority, a senior official of which calls for epidemiological advice. The response is to be written using language that would be understood by an educated non-epidemiologist.1-2 hours (1500 words)100% (100%)MSc One HealthEpidemiology & Control of Communicable Diseases15Group-written outbreak investigation report Multiple choice question examination For students who are required to re-sit, or granted a deferral or new attempt, there will be a written examination.1500 words 1.5 hours 20% 80%. Globalisation & Health15Written assignment 1 3000 words 100%MSc One Health Research Project60Summative assessment Written assignment 1 Written assignment 2 Oral Examination Literature review and project proposal (in total up to 2000 words)* Research project (up to 10000 words)* 20 min 30% 60% 10% (compulsory attendance) MSc One Health*for social science based projects, with agreement of supervisor, the combined maximum word count of assignments 1 and 2 may be 12,000 words. Scientific projects are to be up to 5000 words for assignments 1 and 2 combined     October 2013  $%'(*+,78Khij̺ypydVK=4=h 5CJ^JhKIh 5CJ\^Jh 5CJ\^JhKIhKI5CJ\^JhKIhKI5CJ^Jh.xt5CJ^JhKI5CJ^Jh5CJ^JhGCJ^Jhn<h.xtCJ^J"hn<h.xt5CJOJQJ\^JhKIOJQJ^J#hKIhKI5CJOJQJ^JaJh5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hKIh5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hKIh.xt5CJOJQJ^JaJ*+,/0ij  $If^gd   & F$Ifgd   & F$IfgdKI $If^gdd $Ifgddgd.xt$a$gdKI$a$gd.xt     $ K X Y Z [ \ ] ` ̼sfYN@shwhwOJQJ\^JhwOJQJ\^Jh.xt5OJQJ\^Jhw5OJQJ\^Jhn<h.xtOJQJ^Jhn<h.xtOJQJ\^JhOJQJ\^JhiOJQJ\^Jh.xtOJQJ\^Jhzp5OJQJ\^Jhn<h.xt5OJQJ\^Jhn<h.xtCJ^Jh-hKI5CJ\^JhKIhKI5CJ\^JhKIhKI5CJ^J    Z [ t *$If^*gdd $Ifgddtkd$$Ifl0# h04 laytST$[ \ _ ` tt *$If^*gdi $Ifgddtkd$$Ifl0# h04 laytST$  D nee $Ifgdi$If^`gdd $Ifgddvkdh$$Ifl0# h04 laytST$   C D E F H I K ^ g 0 ö㫝vll_QG:hthtOJQJ^JhtOJQJ^JjhtOJQJU^Jhth||OJQJ^Jh^~OJQJ^JhK}OJQJ^Jhl"h.xtOJQJ^Jhl"h.xt5OJQJ\^Jhn<h.xt5OJQJ^Jhzp5OJQJ^JhwhwOJQJ^JhwOJQJ^JhK}5OJQJ^Jhw5OJQJ^Jhn<h.xtOJQJ^Jhn<h.xt5OJQJ\^JD E H I K ] ^ I J xxoof $Ifgdt $Ifgd0@ $Ifgd|| $Ifgddtkd $$Ifl0# h04 laytST$ 0 2 3 ( H I J [ \ ] a h µ̵̵̵€sf[Ph^~5OJQJ^Jhzp5OJQJ^Jhn<h.xtOJQJ^JhthjtWOJQJ^JhjtWOJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh.xtOJQJ^JhwOJQJ^Jhl"h.xtOJQJ^JhthtOJQJ^Jh||OJQJ^Jhth||OJQJ^JhT ht0JOJQJ^JjhtOJQJU^JhtOJQJ^J   vmdddddd $Ifgd^~ $Ifgddvkd$$IflP 0# h04 laytST$ $IfgdjtW $Ifgdt   + D [ %/QRcfwm_T_wmJmhixTOJQJ^JhixT5OJQJ^JhjtWhjtW5OJQJ^JhjtWOJQJ^Jh3OJQJ^JhyOJQJ^Jh% hOJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhyOJQJ^Jh-OJQJ^JhK}OJQJ^Jh^~OJQJ^JhK}5OJQJ\^Jhzp5OJQJ\^Jh^~5OJQJ\^Jh^~h.xt5OJQJ^J QRIJMN\] $Ifgd $Ifgd3 $Ifgd^~1INO\]^voz̷̷̎whhiOJQJ^Jh3H<OJQJ^Jh6J5OJQJ^Jh-OJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhiOJQJ^JhzpOJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^Jh5OJQJ^Jhzp5OJQJ^Jh^~OJQJ^JhjtWOJQJ^JhvOJQJ^J+?@ YZ[ $Ifgdd $Ifgdw $Ifgdi $Ifgd^~!8:tgZM@3h\5OJQJ\^Jh^~5OJQJ\^Jh5OJQJ\^Jh6J5OJQJ\^Jhzp5OJQJ\^JhhiOJQJ^JhiOJQJ^JhixThiOJQJ^JhixTOJQJ^JhixTh:V3OJQJ^J!h3h:V356>*ϴ3:3>*ϴ3-ϴ-ϴL-5Oϴ3iϴ:>?ŻŻDZűϱxڰ챝3W56Oϴ3Wϴ3-ϴ7-5Oϴ-ϴ-ϴ18ϴϴ6ϴiϴzϴi5Oϴ^ʡ5Oϴ^5Oϴ^&'ɷIJ܊i۳"ʡʡ5Cϴ^ʡʡ5Cϴz5Cϴϴϴ6ϴʡϴzϴ<h.xtCJOJQJ^J"hn<h.xt5CJOJQJ\^Jhn<h.xtCJOJQJ\^JhzpCJOJQJ\^Jhn<h.xtOJQJ^Jhl"hapOJQJ^J[\_`yxxxxoo $Ifgd^~ $Ifgd^~ $Ifgddtkd$$Ifl0# h04 laytST$  ˾ϮreeZLe?h sw5OJQJ\^Jhs!h.xtOJQJ\^Jh.xtOJQJ\^Jhn<h.xtOJQJ^Jh% h||OJQJ^Jh||OJQJ^Jh.xtOJQJ^Jh6rh.xtOJQJ^Jh6rh.xtOJQJ\^Jh6rh.xt5OJQJ\^Jhzp5OJQJ\^Jh.xthn<h.xt5OJQJ\^J"h^~h`5CJOJQJ\^Jh.xt5CJOJQJ\^JB||||qq``[$If^`[gd|| <$Ifgdd $Ifgddgd.xttkdN$$Ifl0# h04 laytST$ ovkd$$Ifl0#"f064 laytd $Ifgdd[$If^`[gddAB $Ifgddvkd$$Ifl0#"f064 laytd @ABCDEHav vwLlmŸӗӀvvlvbXXHhl"h.xt6OJQJ]^Jh6JOJQJ^Jhs!WOJQJ^JhO_wOJQJ^JhiOJQJ^JhyOJQJ^Jh sw5OJQJ\^Jhn<h.xtOJQJ^Jh.xtOJQJ^JhZOJQJ^Jhl"h.xtOJQJ^Jhl"h.xt>*ϴ".5Oϴ^<h.xt5OJQJ\^Jhzp5OJQJ\^JBCGH`awx $Ifgddvkd~$$Ifl0#"f064 laytd ;cdg{|}¶vi_iU_iGi_iU_i_i_ *h9MhOJQJ^Jh(OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh9MhOJQJ^Jhh5OJQJ^J(hh0J5B*OJQJ^Jphh9Mhh55OJQJ^Jh>h5OJQJ^J h9Mh *h9MhOJQJ^JhhOJQJ^J(hh0J5B*OJQJ^JphhOJQJ^Jh9MhOJQJ^J7 " x$Ifgd(kd $$Ifl֞ :!(A06[U< t0R644 laytv $6J[fmqtx x$Ifgd( x$Ifgd(kd $$Ifl4֞ 4!(A0v6Y[5 t0R644 laf4ytv  #'4@IJ x$Ifgd(JKb x$Ifgd(kd-$$Ifl4֞ 4!(A0v6Y[5 t0R644 laf4ytvbe| /9=ABNWX|FfFf x$Ifgd8oD x$Ifgd( " 9 : Q e x$Ifgd8oDFfh x$Ifgd( x$Ifgd8oD !!!!-!L!M!U!Y!Z![!_!`!l!m!v!w!!!!Ff8 $Ifgd8oDFf x$Ifgd( x$Ifgd8oD v!w!!!(")"@"A"""""S#T#x#y#######$ %#%$%%%G%H%J%K%M%c%u%x%y%%%%%%%%ڡhvOJQJ^JhjtWOJQJ^Jh9Mh{dOJQJ^Jh{dOJQJ^J!h{dh5B*OJQJ^Jph h>h5CJOJQJ^JaJh>h18OJQJ^Jh{dh5B*phh>h55OJQJ^Jh>h5OJQJ^J-!!!"" 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