Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Spring 2022







Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Spring 2022
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                                                                             RVC Clinical Services Newsletter  Spring 2022



        W       e are in the process of     and Neurosurgery Services have grown   is  palliative  and  so  the  team  is  generally
                                                                                dealing with older pets where the emphasis
                                            exponentially over the years and the new
                administration treatment room
                                                                                their lives for as long as it can be considered
                                            used as efficiently as possible.
        at the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals   development will allow precious space to be   is on making them feel better and extending
        (QMHA).  A dedicated space for animals   The development will allow us to   a good quality of life.
        receiving chemotherapy will benefit both our   compassionately provide the best possible   This upgraded area of the hospital will
        oncology clients and some pets who receive   experience for our patients, whose welfare is   centre on patient comfort and enrichment. It
        chemotherapy treatment managed by the   paramount. In addition to creating a relaxed   will incorporate a low-lift table, mattresses,
        Neurology and Neurosurgery Service.   environment for patients and promoting   and soft hygienic bedding, alongside the
          The chemotherapy administration room   peace of mind for clients, the development   specialist medical equipment necessary for
        will be a space where patients can receive   will  create  a  safe  place  for  clinical  staff   these animals’ individualised treatments.
        their treatment from our dedicated oncology   handling the patients and chemotherapy   The enhanced facilities will make it easier
        vets and veterinary nurses in a quiet and   agents.                     for members of the clinical team, including
        comfortable room with no disturbances.     In most chemotherapy cases seen at   students, to observe the process of safely
          Both the Oncology and Neurology   RVC  Small  Animal  Referrals,  treatment   administering chemotherapy and learn how

        P. 5                       P. 6                      P.7                        P.9
        EAR DISEASE IN             HAEMOLYTIC                A WEEK WITH                FELINE INFECTIOUS
        RABBITS                    ANAEMIA CASE              ORTHOPAEDICS               PERITONITIS
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