Page 21 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 21 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 21


        had been limited by high computing
        requirements, needing the use of a
        supercomputer to solve the complex     Underlining mink farm
        equations involved. But the innovative
        methods employed here allowed the      COVID-19 outbreaks and their
        researchers to simulate complete
        gait cycles in under half an hour      importance for One Health
        on a standard laptop.
                                               Adriana V. Díaz , RVC PhD student Under supervision of
        Study co-authors Drs Antoine Falisse,
        postdoctoral fellow at Stanford        Professor Joanne Webster and Dr Martin Walker
        University, USA, and Friedl De Groote,
        Professor of Human Movement                  he coronavirus that has swept   detection of COVID-19 cases amid
        Biomechanics, KU Leuven, Belgium,            the World since late 2019,   high background morbidity and
                                                     SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute
                                                                                mortality levels in commercial units.
        said of the collaborative effort on the   Trespiratory coronavirus 2), is
        project: “We had been developing       a zoonotic agent likely originated in   From April 2020 up to June 2021,
        methods for rapid computer simulations   bats, that affects not only humans but   of the thirtysix countries known to
        of human movements, by combining       other vertebrate animals too.    farm mink for its fur, twelve had
        several new numerical techniques to                                     COVID-19 mink outbreaks.
        make our simulations more than 20      The first COVID-19 animal case   As a result, at least one viral variant
        times faster than previous attempts.   reported to the World Organisation   associated to farmed mink has both
        When we were invited to see whether    for Animal Health (OIE) involved a   caused human COVID-19 cases and
                                               pet dog thought to have contracted
        we could apply the same methods to     the virus from its infected human   proved less susceptible to human
        simulate gaits in extinct species, we   owner at the beginning of 2020.   antibody neutralisation, the so-called
        were thrilled at the opportunity and   Since then, multiple apparent SARS-  ‘cluster 5’ Danish mink-related
        jumped on board.”                      CoV-2 reverse zoonotic events have   variant, highlighting the public health
        While dinosaur animators have          been reported, from cases in pet   repercussions of outbreaks in mink.
                                                                                Reverse zoonotic transmission of
        sometimes given a little ‘wag’ to the   dogs and cats to wild animals kept   SARS-CoV-2 from humans to mink
        tails of running dinosaurs in productions   at zoos, including large cats (puma,   has fuelled mink outbreaks and further
        such as Jurassic Park and Walking with   lion, tiger, snow leopard), gorillas and   transmission back to humans has been
        Dinosaurs, these tend to have motions   Asian otters at an aquarium.    confirmed on several occasions (Oude
        opposite compared to the results       Fortunately, to date, experimental   Munnink et al., 2021 Science), a fact
        obtained here.                         evaluation of susceptibility to SARS-  compounded by evidence of high rates
                                               CoV-2 has discounted most farmed   of re-infection among farmed mink
        As well as providing new insight into   species as potential viral reservoirs   (Rasmussen et al., 2021 bioRxiv), as
        animal function in the distant past    (OIE Technical Factsheet: Infection   well as at least one documented spill-
        and helping to inform more accurate    with SARS-CoV-2 in animals, 2021),   over event into wild mink in the US.
        animation in future dinosaur movies    including pigs, cattle, and poultry
        and documentaries, the findings of this   (chicken, ducks, and turkey); the only   Despite the notoriety of the COVID-19
        research are also highly relevant to   exemptions being rabbits (Oryctolagus   ongoing pandemic, with its far
        applications in robotics. Development   cuniculus) with medium susceptibility,   reaching short- and long-term effects
        of next-generation bio-inspired robots   and notably, ferrets (Mustela putorius   in human health, economics, and
        has already drawn inspiration from the   furo), racoon dogs (Nyctereutes   society, management of SARS-CoV-2
        swinging tails of running cheetahs,    procyonoides) and American mink   outbreaks in mink has greatly varied
                                                                                between countries. Accordingly, a
        and the new insights gleaned from      (Neovison vison – also known as   recent paper by researchers at the RVC
        Coelophysis may offer further hints    Mustela vison). All latter three species   (in Press Diaz, Walker and Webster,
        for improving economy, acceleration    are highly susceptible to the virus, yet   Evolutionary Applications) underlines
        and maneuvering performance in         American mink are intensively farmed   the importance of mustelids in the
        engineering and mechanics.             in numerous countries.           transmission and concurrent viral

        The research was funded by the         The conditions in which mink, a   evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and argues
        European Union’s Horizon 2020          solitary, semi-aquatic mustelid   for a globally coordinated response to
        Research and Innovation program (see   carnivore, is farmed are detrimental   minimise the risks of unchecked SARS- for information) and     to its welfare, as well as conducive   CoV-2 transmission in mink fur farms
        Research Foundation Flanders.          to COVID-19 transmission: high   via an all-encompassing One Health
                                               density, bare wire cages that allow   strategy to tackle the current pandemic.
                                               for animal contact and shared airflow,
                                               constant re-seeding of the virus into
                                               farms by staff, plus delayed initial

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