Page 29 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 29 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 29


                                            Exotics radiosurgery

                                                  he acquisition of a radiosurgical   abnormal tissue to be removed with
                                                  unit and surgical magnification   minimal blood loss, in a way that
                                                  loupes by the Exotics Service has   would not have been possible with a
                                            Tgreatly expanded the depth and     conventional surgical approach.
                                            breadth of care that can be delivered.
                                                                                The cockroach anatomy was similarly
                                            The equipment has proven invaluable   tiny, and the loupes allowed the clinicians
                                            in cases where patient size has made   to identify the tissues involved in the
                                            visualisation of anatomical structures   prolapse. That would not have been
                                            challenging and accurate haemostasis   possible without them.
                                            essential. Both were acquired with the   Radiosurgery is also regularly used
                                            support of the RVC’s Animal Care Trust.
                                                                                in larger patients, such as rabbits,
                                            Since their arrival last year, both the   to enable control of bleeding to
                                            radiosurgical unit and the surgical loupes   maximise visualisation of the surgical
                                            have been used regularly. This has   field. Examples include nephrectomy
                                            enabled the team to perform surgical   in a rabbit with a kidney tumour and
                                            interventions previously deemed too   amputation of the leg of a parrot
                                            risky, especially for smaller patients.   following irreparable damage caused
                                                                                by a cat attack.
                                            Surgeons previously relied on clamping
                                            vessels with forceps and then tying off   Efficiency, safety and
                                            with suture material to control bleeding.   sharing advances
                                            Radiosurgery makes this process much   Both pieces of equipment have widened
                                            more efficient for small vessels, using   the team’s surgical and procedural
                                            a bipolar handpiece. A monopolar    repertoire, while enhancing patient
                                            handpiece allows clinicians to control   safety. The ability to control bleeding
                                            milder haemorrhage from tiny vessels in   without the need for large forceps and
                                            fat, for example, which improves surgical   suture material makes surgery faster and
                                            field visualisation.                more efficient, which has an impact on

                                            Case examples                       procedure outcomes.
                                            Examples of use in very small patients   The enhanced capacity allows the
                                            include ovariectomy for treatment of   specialists to inspire the next generation
                                            follicular stasis in a 61-gram leopard   of veterinarians on both undergraduate
                                            gecko and surgical replacement of a   and postgraduate programmes.
                                            prolapse in a 5-gram hissing cockroach   The ability to perform more complex
                                            (both pictured).                    procedures on small exotic animal
                                                                                species is essential as they continue
                                            The gecko had an ovarian cyst with   to develop both the European College
                                            a complex blood supply. The surgical   of Zoological Medicine (ECZM)
                                            loupes allowed the team to clearly   Herpetology residency and the Exotic
                                            visualise the ovary and surrounding   Animal internship programmes.
                                            anatomy. Radiosurgery allowed the

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