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 Grace Berganska joins the Blood Transfusion Service in new post funded by the ACT
W hat interested you about this role?
In my previous role as a Theatre and Diagnostic Assistant, I often assisted with blood donations and thoroughly enjoyed
it. I knew that this would be perfect for me as I was already familiar with the team and how the service works. Being the first person to obtain this role, I am able to personalise it, which allows me to prioritise my responsibilities to best suit each working day.
What is it like to work with the amazing blood donor dogs and cats?
I envy my team a little bit as they have numerous donors that they’ve known since the initial sign up. For me, every donor has been memorable so far, as they are all beyond wonderful and they help to save lives every day.
Every donor that comes in to donate blood is treated with the utmost care and respect. They
all get a ton of love, fuss and treats! At the end of each donation, they also get a bowl of food, which every donor appreciates, and they remember all the positives about coming in, so they are always excited when returning for their next donation.
How does your role support the blood transfusion service?
I prepare all relevant paperwork and set up the equipment needed for the blood donation appointments. During the donation, I help with holding the donor and making sure they are as relaxed and comfortable as possible so that the donation can go quickly and smoothly.
Each day varies, but I have loved every moment so far and I feel like I have been with this team for a lot longer.
What is your favourite thing about working in the blood transfusion service team?
Seeing regular donors coming in, along with their owners and being happy to see you and put their trust in you is heart-warming and it is definitely one of the things I enjoy the most.
  Paws & Hooves Autumn 2020
World Blood Donor Day
W orld Blood Donor Day this year was particularly special as it was a chance for us to celebrate right in the midst of lockdown and all the challenges that presented.
Congratulations to Fidget, our Feline Blood Donor of the Year, and to Oscar, our Canine Blood Donor of the year.
Fidget joined the programme in 2014 and her 17 donations have made her the most prolific feline donor on the programme so far. Oscar also joined the programme in 2014 and is a particularly special donor because he is the most prolific serum blood donor which the programme has ever seen - useful in treating cases such as Nesto’s on the next page.
You can read more about our winners at

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