
Department: Clinical Science and Services

Campus: Camden

David is a Research Assistant working in the Comparative Neuromuscular Disease Laboratory.  Performing histology, immunohistochemistry and image analysis on recurrent laryngeal neuropathy diseaese horse samples.

David has many years experience working in histology using techniques including electron microscopy and confocal microscopy.  David has worked in the pharmaceutical industry with GlaxoWellcome and Pfizer and also in academia at UCL in The Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research.   David has technical expertise in immunohistochemistry, image capture and image analysis and is experienced in handling many tissue types and using various preservation procedures.

Fjordbakk C, Revold T, Goodwin D, Piercy RJ. Histopathological assessment of intrinsic laryngeal musculature in horses with dynamic laryngeal collapse. Equine Vet J. In Press

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