

Alfie - has a super temperament with people and dogs alike. As well as showing and being Crufts qualified for life, also enjoys obedience training and has gained his KCGCS Gold award. He loves his walks, and most of all, rolling around on his back in long grass. 


Atticus - Our lovely 'Fatticus' Atticus has a beautiful nature, he has never ever shown any type of aggression or used his claws, I think the blood donation team will confirm this! He is a bit of a sloth and likes nothing more than a cosy place to sleep but strangely he adores sitting in the heaviest of rain!!! 

Axel J

Axel J - Axel is a total goofball!  A loveable lump with the biggest heart.  It’s beneath him to eat the dog treats the nurses at the RVC give him so he has “special” things like ham!


Ayla - Ayla loves water, her ball and all her toys but most of all she loves my hat.  She secretly finds it when we go to bed and takes it to her bed,  We mustn’t see her do it because she will stop and wait until we have gone.

Bailey L

Bailey L - 7 year old cross breed - always on the go, and comes with a tail that doesn’t stop wagging.


Banjo - Banjo is 4 years old Xbreed (mastiff-GSD we think) male who is overly friendly, and happy-go-lucky type of personality. He likes his bedtime, and he does not like his daily mouth cleaned by 'mummy' or nails clipped, but he loves coming to see blood donor team!


Baxter - Baxter right , Odin left. Baxter is a big loveable dufus, He loves to play ball, swim and run in the woods. He also has been trained as an assistance dog and does a lot with his dad.


Beau - he has a cheese obsession and will do pretty much anything for it! Loves to give me big hugs with his lanky legs, if he sleeps with me he takes over the entire bed pushing me out! He loves using his nose, he has passed his bronze sniffer class which he was amazing at xxx


Bella - I live with my two Labrador sisters, Ruby & Amber, who I love to play in the garden and go for walks with. Ruby is also a blood donor but Amber has retired now. I love carrying things, especially my dinner bowl and I am very spoilt!

Bella C

Bella C - sister to Fleur. A happy go lucky personality, scared of nothing and thinks everyone is her best friend as soon as she sees them. She loves swimming, rolling in whatever she can find(!), walks and cuddles on the sofa. They are the best of friends and are often found curled up in the same bed,

Bella F

Bella F - Bella is a Border Collie. She is very sensitive to loud noise. Bella loves her ball, she loves playing in the woods and in the sea, (any water she's a bit of a swamp monster!) Bella also loves her sister, Sammy, who is a Springer Spaniel x Poodle.


Benson - This is Benson, our gorgeous 6 year old. Benson loves the great outdoors, and especially enjoys joining us on our dog walks to the local park - he follows us the whole way down there, and back again, the neighbours think it’s hilarious!


Blue - following in his Mum Grace's and Uncles Caesar's footsteps, has given blood since he was a year old and now he is 5.  Even during lockdown, he was a brave boy and went in on his own with his favourite nurses to continue giving blood. Oscar (AKA Mr Cloud) has been Donor of the Year!

Blue L

Blue L - following in his Mum Grace's and Uncles Caesar's footsteps, has given blood since he was a year old and now he is 5.  Even during lockdown, he was a brave boy and went in on his own with his favourite nurses to continue giving blood. Oscar (AKA Mr Cloud) has been Donor of the Year!


Bracken - Bracken is a 6 year old Working Cocker Spaniel who loves to be active. Not only is he a working dog he enjoys doing dog agility every week.


Brodie - He is an 8 year old Labrador and has a very gentle nature. His favourite thing in life is his ball, but to be honest he will retrieve anything you throw for him. He is an amazing swimmer and loves swimming in the sea and loves his food. His owner is very proud of him and the lives he saves.


Buddy - Buddy the Bernese Mountain dog is a big, lovable goofball. Considering his size, he’s very active and loves to run, play fetch and swim in any body of water (dirty pond or swimming pool!). He’s also a working dog - in the sense, he comes to London to help motivate the team in the office! 


Buster - Buster is a little toerag, who butter wouldn't melt in his mouth! Into everything  - especially the recycling bags!!


Callie - Callie is a very friendly 4.5 year old labrador with possibly the waggiest tail you have seen. She loves people, running around with her dog pals and food - exceptionally food motivated even by labrador standards!


Chango - Chango is a rather large maine coon who doesnt know his size and loves to play fetch! 


Charity - She is 3 years old, so a bit late starting her Blood Donor duties (a pandemic got in the way!) but we are now off to a flying start, following in the pawsteps of 7 generations of her family line that have been blood donors.  She has passed her Bronze Good Citizen and will soon take her Silver.  

Charlie F

Charlie F - Charlie loves being outside, going on long walks, swimming, and doing flyball! He loves going to give blood as it is an hour of playtime, with a delicious extra meal after his donation!


Chase - Chase is a very happy, friendly boy, who loves nothing more than to play with his ball. He is still only young, full of enthusiasm and keen to learn, picking up new skills all in his stride.


Chewy - a 7 year old Sprocker, I've had him from an 8 week old puppy and I've done loads of training with him. He loves life to the max and is a full-on Spaniel he really enjoys Gun dog work where he can use his nose to full effect, He also loves running through the woods with his fellow donor Sage.


Comet - the cheeky chappie who will do anything for food.  You don't need a watch with Comet as he will always be the first to tell you it's time for dinner! He loves nothing more than basking in the sunshine on the veranda of our friend's caravan in Cornwall. 


Cooper - Cooper is a sensitive soul at heart and loves a lazy Sunday cuddling on the sofa with some rich tea biscuits, but as soon as that collar is on he’s ready for action and loves nothing more than zooming through the woods. 


Dorothy - Dottie by name Dottie by nature! She is a crazy, fun-loving cocker spaniel who just adores the attention of the blood donor nurses. Dottie mainly donates blood for serum eye drops however she has given a small unit to a little feline friend too!


Ernie - Ernie is the biggest cuddle bug. he wants everyone and everything to love him and has a lot to say about everything. He loves digging on the beech and a good sniff about 


Everest - Everest fondly named by her 'paw patrol' obsessed mini human. Everest lives up to her grand name... albeit not quite as adventurous as the mountain but she does love to climb the 40ft conifers in her garden and pays regular visits to her pigeon neighbours! 


Finn - Finn, our third Trailhound on the blood donor programme, loves his food, sleeping on his back with his legs in the air (ready for a belly rub), chasing tennis balls but never bringing them back and racing around, ears flapping, on a windy day

Fleur C

Fleur C - Labrador. Older sister to Bella by about 2 hours! Has a cheeky (and vocal) personality. Loves to retrieve anything and will always greet you with something in her mouth whether that’s a toy, a kong, a ball or your slipper! She is shy with strangers but easily won over with a gravy bone and then she is your best friend..


Floyd - Dylan on the right has now retired from donating, he is a very laid-back boy who loves everyone. Floyd on the left again loves everyone and loves to walk around with a toy in his mouth especially after he's had his dinner.


Freddie - Freddie is a DSH x Bengal. He is one of the friendliest, loving and most food orientated cat you’ll ever meet. He is not a fan of the car journeys to the vets but is happy once he gets to the QMHA and settles with the lovely blood donor team. 


Garfield - Garfield was found as a 5-6 month-old kitten, very malnourished and came to me as a foster. Well, he’s very much a foster failure! He doesn’t like drives in the car, but enjoys his time at the vets as they always make fuss of him. He loves belly rubs and will poke you with his paw if he requires more cuddles


Geraldine - friendliest greyhound with not much between the ears. Loves to roach and eat!


Ginny - Ginny is a very lazy cat who finds everything very scary. She loves a good cuddle to make friends and pouncing at you when you are least expect it. She loves to sleep under things and in boxes and steal everyone's food.


Gizmo - Gizmo loves the blood donor nurses so much he drags his owner across the car park to see them!


Grace - My name is Grace I am 7years old I’m a big girl but have been told I have a lovely nature . I like children  and other dogs especially Iona the Schnauzer who I live with I also have 2 Persian cats at home . I also model for a pet grooming academy.


Gretel - Gretel is a loveable loon who is terrified of going to our vets, but seems to know when she’s coming to donate - maybe it’s the treats! She is 6 years old and was a mummy to a gorgeous litter of 8 pups in 2020. She’s a family pet and BFF to our 9 year old daughter.


Grigio - the most incredible likeness to his sire Zinfandel, my first blood donor hero, he loves to run and plays with everyone. Loves visitors as they all admire him!

Harry I

Harry I - Harry is 7 years old and has just completed his 5th donation to the RVC.  Whether he is working with his alpacas or playing with his other friends, everyone falls in love with him. Always willing to please, Harry is happy to have helped other doggies.


Heidi - Heidi is a gorgeous, cuddly and gentle Bernese Mountain dog. She loves everyone and her smile brings so much happiness to everyone she meets!


Higgins - Higgins is an incredibly empathetic dog but also a right goofball. Despite being born with a limb deformity, which meant surgery at 5 and 7 months old at QMH, he lives his life to the full and is very happy to share his blood with any who needs it. Just like his big sister Elsa used to.


Iona - My name is Iona the Schnauzer I am 3 years old a very busy girl.  Grace the Poodle is training me to donate blood, I live with 2 Persian cats and also model for the grooming academy so if you need blood I’ll be there for you


Izzy - Izzy is a bit of “I do what I want!” But super loving with it! None of our friends can believe that Izzy ( who doesn’t normally sit still) is a blood donor . Just shows the trust she has with the fabulous team.

Izzy P

Izzy P - Izzy is 5 years old. Her favourite things are food, squirrels, sleeping, her soft toys (especially the squeaky ones!) and stealing our cats food when no one is looking! We all love her soooo much.


Jack Jack - Small but mighty. Thinks he’s twice the size he actually is. His favourite thing to do is bring live frogs into the house for his human to catch and release.


Jet - Jet is the most lovable dog to have around. He's happy to sleep all day and/or begrudgingly play with his younger brother. As well as being a Blood Donor he is also a PAT dog. We go into hospitals to cheer up patients, staff and visitors.


Jimmy - Since retiring from his racing life Jimmy gets great joy from holidays to the beach, visiting a local hospital as a therapy dog and finishing off the dregs from yoghurt pots. He skips in the door when he goes to give blood - probably due to all the treats and fuss he gets!


Kea - chaos and cuddles in a yellow furry package!  As well as being an RVC blood donor, Kea also assists the RVC vet students as a ‘teaching dog’. Kea’s favourite activities include playing, running and carrying around her toy duck.  If you see her around the campus, come to say ‘hello’!


Larry - aloof but loyal, always cold but therefore always up for a snuggle!

Leo B

Leo B - He is our handsome Greyhound who makes everyone he meets fall in love! Sleeps for 23 hrs per day, but is always up for fuss, kisses, cuddles and treats!


Levi - My lovely Levi is a 2yr old Longhair Weimaraner.  He’s my life saver having supported me during divorce and Covid.  As a 'covid pup' he was a little nervous of the hospital at first , but I'm so proud of how brave he's become. 


Lilah - She is a rescue cat … adopted from RSPCA at around a year old.  A purrer from the beginning - adopted me from my first visit by circling my legs purring! She regards my bed as hers and often needs to be moved a little so I can get in as well and enjoy the warm spot she has left for me!


Lizzie - Lizzie was a rescue from Irish Setter Breeders Club and I got her at 12 weeks old. She loves being a blood donor and all the fuss she gets from the nurses at the RVC. She’s a little star and I’m very proud of her


Loki - Hi! My name is Loki and I’m a blood donor for the RVC! My favourite thing ever is wearing my pyjamas and jumping on my big sister Mia!

Luna B

Luna B - She is fun loving and cheeky with people she knows but still very nervous around strangers particularly men. She is a beautiful, speedy little monster and a couch potato but a wonderful younger but bigger sister to Rufus.

Luna R

Luna R - Words cannot express the love and affection Luna has brought to our family. She is obedient and cheeky. The only thing she asks in return is lots of hugs and cuddles. An absolute privilege to have you.

Luna S

Luna S - Luna is a very chilled cat who loves nothing more than some catnip and a belly rub she loves her trips to the rvc and sings the whole way in the car.


Lyra - Lyra came to our lives after an accident with a car left her with a wonky pelvis and needing a surgery on her hip 3 years ago. She's done brilliantly and hasn't looked back since. We decided to volunteer her for blood donations after we lost our elderly cat due to severe anaemia. Lyra loves cuddles and Dreamies. She is a bit of a diva, but will do anything for a chin scratch. 


Malbec - very affectionate and as the label on a bottle of Malbec says “has a good nose” which she uses to find scents on most of our walks.


Malcolm - Malcolm loves to hunt, but unfortunately can only ever catch twigs! He also has been known to urinate in toasters but has yet to manage the kettle.


Margaux - is a ridgeless Rhodesian Ridgeback. Despite being 2yrs old she still behaves like a playful puppy. She has the most gentle temperament, wants to be friends with everyone and gives the best cuddles. She loves going for a run or walking in the woods, but every walk is better if she meets another dog to play with

Max E

Max E - Has a big head and an even bigger heart. Lives for cuddles and food.


Milady - Milady will follow you around the house like a little shadow carrying her Grumpy Cat toy, and loves joining people on the sofa to watch TV when she’s not racing up and down the stairs in the middle of the night.  She’s very loving in her quirky and quiet way


Milo - This is Milo! Swimming is his favourite occupation.

Milo J

Milo J - Hello, Milo here. I am cool, calm and fluffy. My favourite activities are eating and sleeping, especially on a nice warm lap.


Misty - she is a mischievous little monkey and loves her squeaky toys. She always heads for the toy section when taking her into the local pet shop! She was a very nervous dog at first but is really coming out of her shell now.


Molly - Molly is the most friendliest dog, who loves to be a part of the action. Definitely does not like missing out on anything. You would not know she is 6 years old, most people we meet think she is still a puppy.


Murphy - This is Murphy, he is an oversized lap dog! He is too clever for his own good and so has an hilarious sense of humour and has something to say about everything! He loves to be pampered whilst giving blood - keep scratching his ears and you can take as much blood as you want!Outside of his pampered home life he needs lots of exercise so we love to Canicross together - we have run an ultra and a few marathons he is still up for a regular 5 miler.  He’s strong willed and keeps us on our toes but we wouldn’t be without him!

Murphy A

Murphy A - This is Murphy, my lovely rottweiler cross shepherd. He loves his walks and meeting his friends on the field. Murphy loves attention, being cuddled and chicken.


Neville - Neville loves nothing more than eating and sleeping, typical cat! I'm sure if he could speak he would tell us that he is proud to be a blood donor to help his fellow cat families. 


Oberon - Geniunly LOVES his trips to RVC for donations, all the cuddles, kisses not to mention treats he receives generally mean great excitement in the car enroute. This usually follows with an afternoon of well deserved naps and cuddles

Odin left

Odin - Odin (left) is a big cuddly, loveable dufus too. We often say him and Baxter share a brain cell. Odin likes to do anything with you and would go anywhere with his person.


Ole - Ole loves his food and does a little dinner dance each evening! He came to us as a rehome at 3 and a half years. He's since qualified as an operational Mantrailing dog, going out to look for missing people for the police. Ran a 32-mile ultra-marathon, ran 12 marathons in 2021 as well as a triathlon.


Otis - I’m Otis, a retired racer. My racing name was Offer it Up if you want to see videos of me racing! I now like to spend my retirement sleeping and eating. 


Otter - This is Otter taking a well earned  rest after giving blood!


Paddy - Paddy has been donating since 2017. He is a very sweet boy who loves his Dreamies and has been known to maybe even fall asleep during donation sessions!

Peanut and Tango

Peanut and Tango - Doing what they do best…relaxing! Peanut is full of mischief and very loving. He drools when having a cuddle sitting on your lap Tango is very vocal and very food obsessed. (When he’s not sleeping!)


Pirelli - Relli loves to explore the garden, bushes and trees, she enjoys a spot of hunting but also snuggles with her humans and her other furry housemates.However, her biggest passion in life is food!Relli is more than happy to donate blood as she is always provided with copious amounts of fusses and of course food! 

Poppy F

Poppy F - a 7-year-old retired racing greyhound from Romford, bred in Ireland. She is a very calm and empathetic girl unless you are a squirrel. Loves walks, especially with our Ukrainian guest and regularly does Park Run slowing dad down! Adores the attention at donating sessions and the extra meal.


Podge - I have been donating since 2020.I love to play fetch especially with bottle tops. I'm obsessed with being brushed and I'm just starting to be harness trained so I can go on adventures outside!  And if you can't tell a bit of a foodie! I love saving other furry friends and friends told me I'm a very good boy!

Poppy N

Poppy N - a Springer Collie cross rescue dog, mad and knowledgeable in equal parts! She is a great help in the house opening doors, fetching the remote and always there to help when the fridge door opens. Poppy loves her visits to the RVC to give blood. She squeaks happily as soon as we get to the lane.


Raphi - Raphi is the most loveable, cuddly, needy dog there is!Being a cocker spaniel, he loves water (even a puddle!) playing and cuddles.Raphi enjoys giving blood as he gets so much fuss and of course a huge amount of treats.


Rioja - quite a serious soul but perfect as my minder on our smallholding, where he ignores the sheep and chickens but runs from the geese!


Roman - Roman came home with us a few months after retiring from racing at 5 years old. He loves running, particularly on the beach, and chases squirrels in the woods with enthusiasm until they run up a tree and smirk!


Ruby - I live with my two Labrador sisters, Bella and Amber, who I love to play in the garden and go for walks with. Bella is also a blood donor but Amber has retired now. I am a typical Labrador and love food, I especially love cheese and carrots!


Sage - I am a six year old German Shorthaired Pointer. I love to go out for long walks, use my nose and find things to carry around. I have donated blood on seven occasions and found out that my friend Willow has had some of my blood. I love to use my brain especially when it involves scent work.


Sandy - Hi I'm Sandy - I like sun puddles, belly rubs, chirping at birds, pretending to be draft excluders and chasing balls, promise you I am a cat! Never a dafter cat you'd find!


Shuri - Shuri is our wonderful little mystery kitty! We adopted her when she was around a year and a half old and sadly known very little about her background. She is a super smoochy girl who loves nothing more than a cuddle! She also loves to play fetch with her toy mice.


Smudge - was born at Wood Green Animal Shelter, she came to us at 13 weeks old. She loves Webbox sticks, back scratches and being sung to!  Oh and cardboard boxes, no blankets in them though. In all our years of cats, we have never known a cat so stubborn. We still love her though, makes her, her!


Soave - very inquisitive and rather fearless, likes to chase birds and leaves!


Sorrel - Sorrel is a very affectionate Spinone with a significant interest in chasing pheasants. She loves life, all people and any dog who will have a game.


Spike - I’m Spike! I love chasing my ball, running through the woods and rolling in EVERYTHING! I like to jump in muddy puddles and swim in the sea (even if it’s cold!) Ruby at the RVC is my best friend and I get sooo excited to come in and donate


Steve - Steve is a chilled out mummy's boy, although he wants delivery drivers to think he's a ferocious animal when barking behind a closed door!


Stitch - Stitch is my partner in crime and goes everywhere with me! He gives the best cuddles and loves his food!


Suki - underwent surgery at a young age at the RVC to create a new hip and socket. She is a fun-loving, gentle and caring Labrador who wanted to give something back to help others. Giving blood also gives her the opportunity to come back to the RVC to see all the familiar faces again, which she loves to do!


Teddy - This is Teddy he is a lovely boy and loves to help his poorly fur friends by donating his blood, he’s a gentle boy and goofy at times


Tetley - Don’t let Tetley's puppy face deceive you, he is a ball obsessed, squirrel chasing little monster. But he is also a cuddle monster and the softest boy you will ever meet!


Theo - is a really laid-back cat who takes donating blood in his stride, we always get told how chilled he is whilst with the donation team!  At home, he loves sleeping (preferably in a cardboard box) and eating with the odd break for charging around the house at full speed with one of his siblings.  


Toby - Toby loves everyone; he loves to donate because he gets all the cuddles and fuss possible from all the nurses! 


Tom - Thomas when he’s naughty, looks like this 99% of the time and still thinks he’s a giant puppy with no spatial awareness, which isn’t helpful when he’s all legs. We thought it may be a struggle to get him to sit still, but every time he donates he’s the bestest boy and must know he’s doing something good! 


Tulip - Abandoned and rescued at a young age. Not at all a naughty tortie. Loves going for walks with me and the dogs in the field!


Tyrone - Tyrone loves bags, any kind of bag, he likes to sit in them and listen to the crunchy noise they make. Purrs like a lawnmower, likes to bite his owners eyebrows to wake them up in the morning and he loves water - always tries to get in the bath. 


Wellington - Wellington is a gentleman, he’s always happy to see people. Typical greyhound loves to sleep and play with his soft toys. His perfect day is a ride in the car, a bit of a snooze, lots of strokes and a second breakfast so he was made for blood donation


Wilf - After his big brother Sidney needed a life saving blood transfusion in 2021, Wilfred signed up to the blood donor program to help more dogs & cats like his big bro! He is the goodest boy and we are ever so proud of him!


Willow - This is Willow. For Willow no job is too small or needle too big!


Winter - Winter is the happiest soul there is, and in her mind everyone is her friend, they just don’t know it yet!


Zooma - Zooma is my best friend and I am really proud of him. We spend lots of time running together and have many adventures. Zooma loves everyone both human and canine and loves his trips to the RVC where he gets totally spoilt.

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