Page 8 - Clinical Connections- Autumn 2021
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Vet Nursing
Evie Yon, Teaching Fellow in Veterinary Nursing
n May 2021, the RVC welcomed the writing skills in addition to developing Through online collaborative activities
first cohort of 25 registered veterinary students’ critical ability when considering with teachers and peers, students will
I nurses (RVNs) onto our newly launched research and academic papers. Students gain greater knowledge of leadership and
Graduate and Postgraduate Certificates in will be encouraged to consider publishing management strategies to improve the
Advanced Veterinary Nursing. their work, helping to address the gap in running of their clinical practices.
The CertAVN is designed for registered veterinary nursing specific literature and
veterinary nurses with the aim of furthering contribute to raising the profile of veterinary
their knowledge and skills within a nursing.
designated pathway of their choice. The Innovative teaching and assessment
courses provide an exciting opportunity activities in the Fundamentals in
to advance RVNs’ skillsets and pursue Advanced Veterinary Nursing Practice
specialism in a discipline of interest. module encourage students to explore
RVNs who chose to undertake the their professional identity and learn
CertAVN can expect to develop their how to engage in all aspects of clinical
academic skills, gain advanced knowledge governance, ultimately with the goal of
and understanding in advanced clinical improving clinical practice and patient care.
practice and apply these skills to enhance Students are encouraged to communicate
patient care and benefit the wider their learning with their practices with the
veterinary team. view to improving clinical effectiveness
and increasing their abilities to carry
The CertAVN offers: out valuable quality assurance tasks
within their workplaces. Students will be
• The ability to specialise in clinical introduced to leadership, emphasising
patient care and either Emergency essential qualities, and prompting them to
and Critical Care or Anaesthesia and consider how they can take on leadership
Analgesia roles within the practice.
• Progression options for Registered The designation pathways in Anaesthesia The flexibility of this programme
Veterinary Nurses qualifying from and Analgesia and Emergency and means that the course is accessible
all existing level qualifications (from Critical Care will equip students with and achievable alongside the demands
Level 3 Diploma through to BSc) advanced knowledge of pathophysiological of full-time work. There are many
• A University of London and Royal disorders, their presentation, diagnostic support systems available and students
Veterinary College qualification techniques, and treatment plans to enable undertaking our certificates are encouraged
(Graduate Certificate or them to deliver high quality nursing care to make full use of for the duration of their
Postgraduate Certificate) that is evidence-based and appropriate studies.
• Royal College of Veterinary to individual patient's needs. Graduates These Certificates are managed and
Surgeons accreditation for will gain the skills necessary to take taught by our wonderful team of leading
Emergency & Critical Care and on higher levels of responsibility within veterinary nurses and veterinarians who
Anaesthesia & Analgesia pathways practice, particularly with respect to clinical are recognised by employers both within
• Flexible, accessible, part-time online judgement and decision-making. the UK and internationally.
distance-learning The CertAVN offers an exciting
opportunity for RVNs of all levels of
To achieve the CertAVN, students experience and education to gain new
will undertake five modules to be professional skills in a flexible and
completed within 16 months. These accessible manner.
include Contemporary Study Skills and RVNs interested in undertaking the
Fundamentals in Advanced Veterinary course are encouraged to visit our website
Nursing Practice followed by three /study/undergraduate/
designation modules in either Anaesthesia certificates-in-advanced-veterinary-nursing.
and Analgesia or Emergency and Critical
Contemporary Study Skills is a nine-
week module preparing learners for study
at university using online technologies and
focussing on developing the academic For small animal referrals, please call:
01707 666399
skills they will need throughout the rest of Emergency and Critical Care modules are Email:
their course. The module hones academic available on the course
8 Autumn 2021