Page 9 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2022







Page 9 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2022
P. 9



                  he RVC has created a new course   study and analyse data from a primary care   Education  pathway  at  the  RVC,  or  similar
                  – the first of its kind in the UK – for   related project.        institution,  while  working  in  a  clinical
            T veterinary  surgeons  with  particular                                educator role in a primary care setting at an
            interests  in  primary  care  and  shelter   The candidates             associated practice.
            medicine.  The  Postgraduate  Diploma  in   Louise Allum, Head Vet at the RVC Shelter
            Veterinary  Primary  and  Accessible  Care   Medicine Programme and Course Director,
            and Education Internship (PG Dip V-PACE)   said: “The ideal candidates will have been
            is  designed  to  develop  clinicians’  skills   in  practice  for  at  least  two  years  and  are
            in  teaching  and  research  within  practical   now looking to develop their careers. If you
            settings.                           are a vet in your practice who all the extra-
              The  PG  Dip  V-PACE  is  a  one-year  full-  mural  studies  (EMS)  students  follow,  or
            time  programme.  Course  members  will   you are always identifying and suggesting
            complete  various  intern  placements  in   ways to improve your practice, this course
            hospital and charity partner sites in London   could  help  you  further  develop  your  skills
            and Cambridgeshire. Sites include the RVC   in  these  areas. This  new  programme  is  a
            Beaumont  Sainsbury  Animal  Hospital  on   great opportunity for all vets with a passion
            our  Camden  Campus  and  Wood  Green   for  primary  care,  and  shelter  medicine  in
            near Huntingdon. Teaching is scheduled to   particular.”
            begin next summer.                    Professor Adrian Boswood, Vice Principal
              Interns  will  receive  advanced  training   for  Learning,  Teaching  and  Assessment,
            and  support  in  education,  leading  to  the   added:  “Clinical  internship  training  has
            additional award of Associate Fellowship of   previously been targeted at interns wishing
            the Higher Education Academy. The taught   to  focus  on  specialty  practice.  We  were
            theory  will  then  be  applied  by  teaching   keen to develop an internship that offered   Alternatively, holders of this qualification
            other RVC students about primary care and   a  deeper  understanding  and  broader   will have the opportunity to pursue further
            shelter medicine.                   experience of primary and accessible care   primary care focused research via a master’s
              The PG Dip V-PACE has been developed   while  developing  expertise  in  education;   or  doctoral  level  research  qualification.
            in  line  with  the  RVC’s  wider  offering  of   allowing  these  interns  to  share  their   Graduates also have the option to work as
            leading  internship  programmes.  This   enthusiasm  for  practice  with  the  next   veterinary  clinical  teaching  fellows  or  can
            means there are four modules to complete   generation of vets.”         simply return to work in primary care with a
            in  the  year:  Shelter  Medicine,  Primary   Graduates from the course will be able to   deeper understanding of the expertise and
            Care  Practice,  Foundations  in  Veterinary   contribute to and influence the development   evidence base required for such work.
            Education  and  Practice-based  Research.   of  future  veterinary  surgeons  by  pursuing   All applicants must be a member of the
            The  Practice-Based  Research  module  will   veterinary education as part of their career.  RCVS  by  the  date  the  internship  starts,
            teach interns how to design and undertake a   This  may  form  part  of  the  Veterinary   and ideally by the date of application and
                                                                                    interview.  Course  members  would  have
                                                                                    had  a  minimum  of  two  years'  experience
                                                                                    as  a  veterinary  surgeon  in  small  animal
                                                                                    primary  care. There  are  English  language
                                                                                    requirements for entry onto the course.

                                                                                    For more information, visit:

                                                                                    or  for  general  internship  enquiries,
                                                                                    contact  Louise Allum,  Course  Director,

                                                                                           For small animal referrals, please call:
                                                                                         01707 666399
             Postgraduates on the programme will undertake placements in animal shelters

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