Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Summer 2022







Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Summer 2022
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                                                                            RVC Clinical Services Newsletter  Summer 2022



              one-year-old Rottweiler was treated   surgical  exploration  of  her  caudal  right   Critical Care Service early last May with
              for  an  acquired  traumatic  kink  in   hemithorax and excision of scar tissue   ascites and suspected right-sided cardiac
        A her  caudal vena  cava  that  was   surrounding the intrathoracic caudal vena   failure. On presentation she was bright and
        responsible  for  post-sinusoidal  venous   cava. In addition, a patch of pericardium was   alert and was found to be cardiovascularly
        hypertension. The  trauma  was  most  likely   sutured into the caudal vena cava across   stable. Ultrasound confirmed the presence
        caused by an altercation with a deer.   the area of greatest narrowing to increase   of fluid in her abdomen. Chest radiographs
          Lorna  had  a  massive  volume  of  fluid   the caudal caval diameter.   revealed  rib fractures but  no other
        in her abdomen because of the caudal   The  surgery  was  performed  by  Dan   abnormalities.
        caval obstruction and this was refractory   Brockman,  Professor  of  Small  Animal   An  echocardiogram  revealed  an
        to medical treatment. Without some kind   Surgery and Director of the Cardiothoracic   abnormal structure at the base of her heart.
        of intervention to manage the stricture, she   Surgery  Service,  supported  in  surgery   Because of the unusual nature of this
        had no future.                      by  Carlos  Alonso,  our  third-year  surgery   finding,  multidisciplinary  case  conference
          Having been initially seen by the RVC’s   resident, and Nuria Quesada Vicent, our   with cardiology and surgery colleagues was
        Emergency and Critical Care Service and   third-year anaesthesia resident.   held and the conclusion was that the lesion
        the  Cardiology  Service,  Lorna  underwent   Lorna was referred to the Emergency and   was either a rare congenital or acquired

        P. 5                       P. 6                      P.7                        P.10
        A DECADE OF                EQUINE MELANOMA           CORNEAL CROSS-             BEING A PATHOLOGY
        HYPOPHYSECTOMY             TREATMENT                 LINKING PROGRESS           RESIDENT
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