Page 69 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 69 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 69

Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP)

        Are you interested in continuing your   For more information, visit or call 01707 666201
        veterinary studies? Then perhaps    Here are some of the things people had to say about their CertAVP studies:
        the CertAVP is for you. CertAVP is a
        flexible way to achieve a veterinary   “ I can now communicate more effectively with clients
        post-graduate qualification. It is run   and provide them higher quality service and advice.  ”
        as a distance learning assessment
        only programme.                                “  Studying for my designated small animal medicine

        You are assessed in modules to suit your       certificate, I thought that doing assignments on other
        learning needs, and if you wish to obtain   areas of my practice would not be useful nor interesting.
        the post nominal CertAVP, you must                 I am happy to have been wrong on both fronts!
        achieve 60 credits. Having a designated                                                               ”
        CertAVP will also help you achieve the   “
        RCVS Advanced Practitioner status.       Although initially a challenge for me to break old
        The aim of the assessment process     habits and approach cases in a different way, I have
        at the RVC is not only to support you   been very impressed by the problem-based approach,
        to fully understand the quality of your   as it helped me see the wood for the trees. ”
        current clinical practice but also to foster
        life-long learning skills and to advance            “
        and enhance your clinical knowledge,                   As I progressed through the [AFAVP] module,
        skills and understanding. We provide                      the better I understood what self-reflection
        detailed formative and summative                  entailed and the ability to more effectively analyse
        feedback on all submitted work and have
        CPD courses that support many of the                 my actions has made me more compassionate,
        learning objectives of CertAVP modules.                     empathetic and ultimately a better vet.   ”

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