Page 34 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 34 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 34



        This year saw the return to play for all our sports teams, following

        the end of lockdowns and COVID restrictions. Here is an overview
        of some of the highlights from the year.

        EQUESTRIAN TEAMS                    HOCKEY                              HAWKSHEAD V CAMDEN
                                                                                VARSITY – 14 MAY 2022
        This year our equestrian teams not   Our men’s hockey team came up
        only qualified for Regionals, but also   against great opposition during the London   The sun was shining, the drinks were
        Nationals, which they smashed! The first   University Sports League (LUSL) men’s   flowing, and the rugby team were injuring
        team were placed third in the Dressage   hockey cup and lost a good game 2-1   themselves. Hawkshead retained their
        National Championship. The second   to Royal Holloway. Second place is still   crown winning the mixed hockey 5-2,
        and third teams came home with fifth   a superb achievement. However, the   netball 23-13 and men’s rugby 17-7.
        place, as well as fourth and ninth in the   RVC confidently won the best turn-out of   The tri beer mile was also back and
        individual placings.                supporters for the day! Also, a big shout   messier than ever with many students
                                            out for their 12-hour hockey game for   (and a few canines) joining in the run.
                                            charity – read more about this on page 35.

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