Page 59 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 59 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 59


        their professional skills, whilst providing   clients whilst maintaining the highest level   UK whilst attending conferences to
        the support to thrive. My role is varied and   of professional standards. Much of my   disseminate my results. I am considering
        encompasses pastoral support for the   role involves managing the administration   studying for a PhD in the near future to
        RVN’s on the programme, training those   functions of the clinical support teams to   improve my research skills further, with
        who work with them in practice and running   include recruitment and staffing.’  the long-term aim of helping to teach
        educational days for the RVNs. I am proud                               future veterinary nurses.’’
        to be supporting newly qualified nurses on                              More information on this,
        their journey to becoming confident referral                            and other RVC research
        RVNs, whilst also enjoying the challenges a                             projects, can be found here:
        role like this brings.’’                                      
                                                                                Other graduates include:
                                                                                Evie Yon (nee Hall) RVN BScVN
                                                                                graduated in 2016. She recently gained
                                                                                her Diploma in Veterinary Education and
                                                                                is a Teaching Fellow within the RVC
                                                                                VN team. She is also Deputy Course
                                            Maria Jackson RVN BScVN
                                            graduated in 2021 and after completing   Director for the Certificate in Advanced
                                            her undergraduate project decided to   Veterinary Nursing.
                                            continue her research at the RVC.   Jo Oakden (nee Butters) RVN FdScVN,
                                                                                graduated in 2008 and became BVNA
                                            ‘‘I was studying for a Master of
                                            Research, which was completed in    President 2020-2021
        Betsy Malamah-Thomas RVN BScVN      September. I undertook a project about   Ruby Clarke RVN FdScVN graduated
        graduated in 2016 and recently returned   whether lop-eared rabbits have more   in 2013, now Head Veterinary Nurse at
        to working at the QMHA, now         dental and aural disease than erect-  Fitzpatrick Referrals
        in a managerial role as Clinical    eared rabbits, using VetCompass
        Support Manager.                                                        Fraje Watson RVN BScVN graduated in
                                            data to look at cases from across the   2013 and went on to complete a Master
        ‘‘I oversee and work with the clinical   UK. The results will be presented for   of Research at the RVC in 2017. She
        support team at the QMHA. The clinical   the first time at the BVZS conference   is now completing her PhD, ‘Towards
        support is made up of RVNs, patient care   in November. I have enjoyed doing   measuring dynamic spinal balance with
        assistants, theatre diagnostic assistants,   this research knowing that the results   wearable activity trackers’, at University
        radiographers, dispensary assistants,   will help to improve rabbit welfare by   College London.
        and sterilising technicians. Within the   encouraging healthier breeding of less
        team, I work alongside the Head/Senior   extreme conformations and highlight to   There are many others, and we would love
        Nurses, Head Radiographer and Head   vets and nurses what breeds to keep a   to hear from you – let us know what you
        Dispensary Technician to ensure the   closer eye on. For now, I plan to continue   are doing! Email with
        provision of excellent care to patients and   working as a locum nurse across the   your career journey.

           Can you offer a placement?

           An essential part of the BScVN   theory modules. During this third year they will be honing their professional
           course involves placements in    skills as well as carrying out audits and knowledge summaries, as they will have
           a veterinary practice, and I am   covered all their clinical skill teaching in years one and two.
           sure many of our graduates       Placement time in the Foundation degree programme:
           would agree. We work with the
           College of Animal Welfare in     TERM        FIRST YEAR     SECOND YEAR        THIRD YEAR
           securing a variety of placement
           opportunities for our students.   1 Sept–Dec  Theory (11 weeks) Placement (12 weeks)  Placement 4 days /week
           Many of our students go on to
           take up positions in the practices   2 Jan–April  Theory (11 weeks) Theory (10 weeks)  Placement 4 days /week
           they have been undertaking
           placements in, so it is a good   3 May–August Placement     Theory (6 weeks)   Additional placement
           opportunity to play a part in                (15 weeks)     Placement (7 weeks)  if required
           training your own staff.
           The course has placements        If you are interested in providing one of our veterinary nursing students with
           integrated with placements in year   a placement, please contact us, or Karen Brightman at
           one and two. In year three the
           students are on placement from   If you would like to know more about the courses please see our website
           September – May, spending one or contact Hilary Orpet (
           day each week completing the

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