Page 77 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 77
on a move to Ireland to study for In due course, he nursed Jan through
a PhD in canine dermatology. her twilight years, caring for her at
home as she succumbed to dementia.
KENNETH PERCY He was appointed lecturer in He had a deep and meaningful faith
BAKER (1957) veterinary pathology in Trinity College based on the commandment of love.
Dublin in 1963 and gained his PhD and
By A. Baker,T. D. Grimes an appointment as a lecturer in clinical He worshipped at Christ Church,
Obituary, published in Vet Record, medicine in 1966. His children Andrew, Delgany, serving as churchwarden and
Vol 191, Issue 1, 9/16 July 2022, p41 Vicky and Christopher were born in the vestry, and wrote a history of the
in Ireland. church so that future parishioners could
know of their heritage. Faith was not
Ken’s inquiring mind was well suited to something to hide. Our thoughts are
academia. Following the merger of the with his family and friends.
university veterinary faculties at Trinity
College and University College Dublin
in 1977, he was appointed associate
professor of the combined school. He
was then appointed professor and head EDWARD PETER
of the department of clinical veterinary NELSON (1956)
medicine at the University of the
West Indies, Trinidad, in 1989, before
returning to Ireland to become head of
the department of small animal clinical
studies in University College Dublin
from 1990 to 1995.
His clinical and research interests lay
within the broad field of veterinary
dermatology and he made a significant
contribution to this discipline, becoming
Kenneth Percy Baker MA, MSc, PhD, an acknowledged expert in canine and
FTCD, FRCVS, (b) 1930, (q) London feline dermatology and parasitology. He
1957. Died 9 February 2022 published over 100 papers and various
A talented veterinary dermatologist book chapters and jointly authored a
and educator who retained a standard text. His work on parasitic
fascination for the diversity of nature. skin disease and the development of
Ken was born in London’s East End in intradermal skin tests as a diagnostic
1930, the middle one of three children. tool in veterinary dermatology
His tales of the war years were of form the basis of a deserved
rationing, playing among the rubble and international reputation. Edward Peter Nelson
becoming a short-term refugee, but He became a diplomate in veterinary 11-04-33 - 16-08-2022
also of long cycle rides with his brother dermatology of the RCVS and the In tribute to Ted Nelson,
and their dog, as well as hours spent European College of Veterinary Chris Trower writes:
watching barges at the docks. Dermatology and was awarded It is with sadness we note that Ted
He worked hard and had natural fellowship of the RCVS in 1982 for died peacefully after a brief illness in
ability. He entered grammar school on meritorious contributions in the field of August 2022.
a scholarship and, after two years of veterinary dermatology. Ted was the son of a Lancashire dairy
National Service with the Royal Army Ken provided the happiest childhood farmer and set his sights on becoming
Medical Corps, he entered the Royal for this family, who sailed, fished and a veterinary surgeon from an early age.
Veterinary College, London, qualifying undertook camping trips. He also cared He entered the RVC in 1951, straight
in 1957. for his students, inviting many back from grammar school in Preston, at a
Ken met Jan, a nursing sister, in the home for meals, especially those from time when many of the undergraduates
London Hospital and they married in overseas who were finding Ireland were mature students, some having
1959. Her love and support allowed a somewhat cold and lonely place. seen active service in World War 2. It
him to achieve his ambitions and raise a Education was very important to him; was at the RVC in Camden town that he
happy family. he believed everyone should have the met his future wife Deirdre (Dot) Quinn,
opportunity to reach their potential who was an assistant librarian in the
After qualifying, he worked initially and he raised funds for the churches’ college library.
in mixed practice in Horsham, Sussex, Sudan Mission and for schooling for the
where his children Susie, Paul and travelling community. Qualifying in 1956, Ted became a
Johnny were born, before deciding member of RVC staff, as the assistant