Page 71 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 71 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
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          RVC Careers Service

          Supporting students and alumni on their professional journey

          If you graduated from the RVC within the last      an appointment by registering at learningandwellbeing.rvc.
          two years, did you know that you still have or by emailing We know that
          access to one to one support from professional     RVC alumni can be spread out geographically around the
          Careers Consultants?                               world, so we offer a range of remote appointment types.

          It could be that you want to discuss making a decision   If you graduated more than two years ago, we would also
          about your next step or gain an insight into job hunting   like to hear from you.
          strategies and techniques, or you want to know how   From time-to-time, we ask alumni to volunteer at careers
          to make an effective application. Perhaps you have an   events, for example our annual Biosciences Careers
          upcoming interview that you would like to practice for or   Conference (held in October each year).
          would like to have your CV checked. Whatever your careers
          question or query, we are here to help.            We know that alumni, at whatever stage of their career and
                                                             wherever that career has taken, can give valuable insights
          You should have access to RVC Learn for 12 months after   and advice to students.
          graduation, so you will still have access to our wide range
          of resources, as well as being able to book an appointment   If you are interested in sharing your experiences at a careers
          via the Careers Service area. Alternatively, you can arrange   event, then please do get in touch with the Careers Service.

           Vet Nursing, BVetMed  Are you a

           and Bioscience                                       recent graduate?

           graduates of 2023…                                   Graduate Outcomes is a government-led survey. It is

           How well did the RVC prepare you for your            the biggest UK annual social survey and captures the
                                                                perspectives and current status of recent graduates.
           first year in work?
                                                                It is led by HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency)
           As a graduate of the RVC, your feedback makes a real   and is carried out for graduates of all UK higher
           difference to improving students’ experiences at the RVC.   education institutions.
           By telling us how well the course prepared you for your   All graduates who completed a higher education course
           first year of work, the RVC is able to make improvements   in the UK after August 2017 will be asked to take part
           to teaching and support for future students.         in the survey 15 months after they finish their studies.
           In addition, the RVC is required to gather feedback from   The survey aims to help current and future students gain
           both our graduates and their employers in order to meet   an insight into career destinations and development.
           the requirements of our accrediting bodies, such as Royal   To help us, as well as current and future students,
           College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) and the Royal   please complete the survey. In order to make sure
           Society of Biology (RSOB).                           you receive this (and also other interesting news and
                                                                information from the RVC), please ensure you keep your
           Look out for your email invitation to complete the   contact details and preferences up to date by using the
           RVC Graduate Survey during May 2024!
                                                                RVC4Life portal ( or emailing us
           Please respond to the RVC Graduate Survey –
           your feedback is really important to us.             Please do respond if you receive a call or
                                                                email about the Graduate Outcomes survey –
                              In addition all respondents are
                              entered into a prize draw to      your feedback is really important.
                              win an Amazon voucher!
           In order to make sure you receive this (and also other
           interesting news and information from the RVC), please
           ensure you keep your contact details and preferences up
           to date by using the RVC4Life portal (
           alumni) or emailing us at

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