Page 78 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 78 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 78

        ZWANENBERG (2005)

        Dave graduated from the Royal Veterinary
        College with a BVetMed (2005). He
        was a vet, a partner at Kumeu vet clinic
        Vets North, a pilot, a volunteer firefighter
        and father of two.  Dave worked for the
        Muriwai Volunteer Fire Brigade in New
        Zealand, and whilst working on a rescue
        operation during Cyclone ‘Gabrielle’ in
        Auckland, tragically lost his life.
        In February, Stuart Reid, said:
        “As the news comes in of Dave Van
        Zwanenberg’s death our thoughts are
        with his family. It is a reminder that our
        colleagues often contribute far beyond
        their professional veterinary skills to their
        communities and, sadly, sometimes at
        their personal cost. Dave is remembered
        here at the RVC and across the miles,
        we extend our sympathies to those
        closest to him and those people in
        critical need he was serving”.
        The following is a statement written by
        Dave’s wife, Amy van Zwanenberg,
        in February 2023.

                                            help his community. Reliability and   recovery. It grew a new depth to my
                                            dependability were his core values,   gratitude for the courageous crews who
                                            whatever the weather.               had continued to search for my husband
                                                                                under absolutely atrocious conditions
                                            Dave was blessed with the unique    and threat to their own safety. It was
                                            abilities, so few possess, to not   palpable that they had been searching
                                            only survive but thrive in extreme   for one of their own and they devoted
                                            environments and circumstances,     themselves to that impossible task
                                            performing complex tasks and caring   with the fervour one does for their own
        Kind, hard-working and              for others calmly under pressure. He   family. I am deeply grateful to Urban
        adventurous                         used this multifaceted skill set in his   Search and Rescue, the NZ Police
                                            profession as a veterinarian, where so
        My family is utterly devastated by the   many have benefited from his care and   and all the fire and emergency crews
        sudden loss of my extraordinary husband,   in his personal pursuits as a pilot, kite   involved, but especially Dave’s brigade
        Dave van Zwanenberg, who was the    surfer and ultra-marathon runner.   who have been so deeply affected.
        cornerstone of our lives.                                               I would also like to publicly thank my
                                            But he also loved a good book on
        First and foremost, a family man, Dave   the deck.                      dear friends who have immediately
        was dedicated to spending quality time                                  come to my little family’s aid and
        with his children and building a life to   Dave will be remembered for his   supported us with their special talents,
        nurture their growth. We decided that   good humour, his authentic care, his   caring for us emotionally and practically
        Muriwai and its beautiful community was   astronomic intelligence and supreme   and wrapping us in love through this
        the perfect place for this.         competence at pretty much anything he   horrendous time. You give me strength
                                            turned his hand too!                to continue to be the Mum I need to be,
        Monday night started out as just another                                to help Dave’s beautiful children thrive
        occasion where Dave made sure we    Yesterday I was able to see the search   despite this pain, and be the legacy that
        were settled and safe at home and   site and speak to some of those who   he would be most proud of.
        headed out to join the fire brigade and   had been involved in his rescue and

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