Page 45 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 45 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 45


              During her tenure at Edinburgh’s
              Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary
              Studies, from 1994 to 1999, Sharon
              set up the UK’s first exotic animals
              lecture series and established
              exotic clinic services, which were
              groundbreaking at the time. Her
              innovative approach laid the foundation
              for improved care and treatment of
              exotic species in veterinary practice.
              Continuing her academic journey, Sharon
              joined Bristol Vet School, where she
              not only continued her work in exotic
              animal medicine but also started a
              Rabbit Residency and a Zoo Residency
              programme. These initiatives were
              pivotal in advancing the field of exotic
              animal medicine and training a new
              generation of veterinarians equipped
              with specialized skills and knowledge.
              Her contributions to academia not only
              disseminated critical knowledge but
              also underscored the importance of    Sharon, awarded OBE by Prince William
              conservation and the ethical treatment
              of animals in captivity.            and strategic initiatives earned her
                                                  recognition, culminating in being
              Sharon’s transition from academia to   awarded an OBE for her services
              hands-on veterinary practice saw her   to conservation and education. This
              taking on the role of Zoo Veterinarian   honour reflected her tireless efforts in
              at Edinburgh Zoo and later at Bristol   advocating for wildlife conservation and
              Zoo as well as the Vet Advisor for   her impactful work in the zoo community.
              the European (EAZA) Great Ape
              Breeding programme. In these        Currently, Sharon continues to influence
              positions, she played a crucial role    the field as a zoo consultant, UK
              in the health and welfare of a diverse   government zoo inspector, and advisor
              range of species, contributing to   for the European Association of Zoos
              numerous successful breeding and    and Aquaria, shaping policies and
              conservation programmes. Her expertise   practises that enhance animal welfare
              and dedication were vital in ensuring    and conservation efforts.
              the highest standards of animal     Sharon’s business acumen was also
              care, which in turn supported global   recognised when she was named
              conservation efforts.               UK Business Woman of the Year, in   commitment to natural and sustainable
              A defining moment in Sharon’s career   2015. Her innovative approach to zoo   products, recently launched a new line
              was her TEDx talk, where she shared   management set new benchmarks in the   of dog shampoo bars, combining
              her insights and experiences with a   industry, demonstrating that effective   Sharon’s passion for animal care with
              broader audience. This platform allowed   business practises could harmoniously   innovative business practices. Sharon
              her to advocate for conservation and   coexist with conservation goals. It   and Emma are now active advocates
              the critical role of zoos in preserving   was exciting to be handed the trophy   for women in business and the LGBTQI
              biodiversity. Her ability to communicate   by Baroness Karren Brady herself, a   visibility of leaders.
              complex scientific concepts to the wider   previous winner of the award. Sharon   Sharon Redrobe’s journey from an RVC
              public further solidified her reputation as   remains a proud Ambassador for the   graduate to a leading figure in veterinary
              a leading voice in the field.        Women of the Year organisation.    science and business is a testament to
              In a significant career milestone, Sharon   Recently, Sharon has ventured into the   her dedication, resilience, and visionary
              became the CEO of Twycross Zoo, a   entrepreneurial world as a director of   leadership. Her multifaceted career
              position she held for ten years. Under   Little Soap Company, an eco-friendly   serves as an inspiration to the RVC
              her leadership, Twycross Zoo underwent   company her wife founded. In fact, they   community and beyond, illustrating
              transformative changes, becoming a   met at a business event arguing about   the profound impact that one individual
              centre for conservation, education, and   the use of palm oil and its impact on   can have on the fields of veterinary
              research. Sharon’s visionary approach   orangutans! The company, known for its   medicine, conservation, and business.
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