Page 9 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2021







Page 9 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2021
P. 9


        William, Jackson and Friends against DCM group

        Raised: over £3,000

        Inspiration                         media and prize draws. We           Our laboratory has recently
                                            are so grateful for the huge        generated canine cardiac stem
        “My beautiful Doberman,             amount they have raised for this    cells and shown they possess
        Jackson, was diagnosed with         important research.                 desirable properties, which
        the life-shortening disease, DCM                                        should allow them to reduce the
        (Dilated Cardiomyopathy) at just                                        impact of this serious disease.”
        20 months old. Sadly, the day       Impact
        before his 3rd birthday, he lost    Heart failure and sudden death
        his battle against this incurable   due to dilated cardiomyopathy
        disease, but in his short life he   (DCM) have a severe impact
        achieved so much. Jackson           on canine wellbeing. DCM is
        was a true ambassador for the       particularly well characterised
        breed, raising thousands through    in Dobermanns which have a
        sponsored walks and events. He      58.8% cumulative prevalence.
        inspires me now to keep raising     Standard treatment does not
        money to beat this disease and      reduce disease progression
        to show just how amazing this       making stem cell therapy an
        breed is.”                          attractive alternative approach.
                                            This approach will revolutionise
        Fundraising                         therapy for DCM across dog
                                            breeds and our group is uniquely
        William, Jackson and the Friends    positioned to explore this
        against DCM group have raised       exciting therapeutic paradigm.
        money online through social

        Laura and Kye                       Kye went into status on the 15th     nearly £2,000! AND she has
                                            October 2016 and we lost him on
                                                                                 only been fundraising for us
                                            the 16th. Kye was only 5 and half    for a year!
        Raised: nearly                      years old. My sweet boy is now
        £2,000 for the ACT                  running free over Rainbow Bridge     Impact

        through lockdown!                   and we’ve been fundraising in his    Epilepsy is the most common
                                            memory ever since.”
                                                                                 chronic brain disorder in
        Inspiration                         Fundraising                          domestic dogs, estimated to
        “Kye was a beautiful, happy, cool,   Laura would normally be             affect over 50,000 of dogs in the
                                                                                 UK. It is an early onset condition
        laid-back kind of a guy. When       attending events, raising money      and is lifelong, requiring daily
        he was 16 months he became          and awareness of this awful          medication – a truly daunting
        seriously ill and spent 10 days     disease. But COVID hasn’t            prospect for any owner. The
        fighting for his life. We thought that   stopped her! During lockdown    RVC Pet Epilepsy Tracker,
        was scary but that was before the   Laura has organised regular          funded by the ACT, helps owners
        seizures started.                   online ‘pick a number’ initiatives   manage the condition in several

        With the help of our vet we         and incredibly she has still         ways, including: providing alarms
        “coped” with Kye’s seizures.        managed to raise                     and reminders for medications;
        At his worst he went 5 days                                              helping owners recognise and
        clustering with up to 18 seizures                                        monitor triggers in their pet; log
        a day….at his best he went 286                                           seizures and health concerns
        wonderful happy days seizure                                             in a way that can be easily
        free. In between we were dealing                                         downloaded by the vet and
        with seizures every 5/10 days.                                           providing educational content
                                                                                 about the condition.

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