Page 15 - RVC Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2023 - 2030







Page 15 - RVC Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2023 - 2030
P. 15

EVOLVE INNOVATE IMPROVE                                                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY 2022-24

                        BIODIVERSITY                                  IMPLEMENTATION                                    ƒ Develop an appropriate KPI such as
                                                                                                                       species diversity, percentage of native
                                                                      MECHANISMS                                       species, connectivity etc.

                                                                          ƒ Update the Biodiversity Action Plan      SUPPORTING
                                                                         2019 in conjunction with the Herts and
                           ƒ No construction, refurbishment or                                                       POLICIES
                                                                         Middlesex Wildlife Trust.
                          maintenance work has a net negative
                          impact on biodiversity and that where           ƒ Active participation in Students         AND PLANS
                                                                         Organising for Sustainability’s Farming for
                          possible, the impact is net positive.
                                                                         Carbon and Nature programme.
                                                                                                                        ƒ Biodiversity Action Plan.
                        KEY                                               ƒ Develop a Sustainable Food Policy to        ƒ Sustainable Construction Policy.
                                                                         minimise the impacts of the food we
                        PERFORMANCE                                      purchase.

                        INDICATORS                                        ƒ Source all timber from FSC/PEFC sources.

 We aim to be a leading                                                   ƒ Seasonal meetings of the Land
                                                                         Management Group to ensure biodiversity
                                                                         is considered in the upkeep of the Estate.
 organisation in limiting     ƒ Actions completed in Biodiversity Action     ƒ Investigate opportunities for offsetting
 negative and, where possible,     ƒ Retention of Hedgehog Friendly Campus   carbon emissions and improving
                          accreditation.                                 biodiversity through tree planting on site
 having positive direct                                                  and measuring carbon capture in soil.
                                                                          ƒ Create programme of student and staff
 and indirect impacts on                                                 volunteering events to support wellbeing

 biodiversity.                                                           through our green spaces.

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