Page 9 - RVC Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2023 - 2030







Page 9 - RVC Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2023 - 2030
P. 9

EVOLVE INNOVATE IMPROVE                                                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY 2022-24

 ENERGY AND                        IMPLEMENTATION                                 SUPPORTING

 CARBON                            MECHANISMS                                     POLICIES AND

                                      ƒ Develop Net Zero Plan incorporating the
                                     Heat Decarbonisation plan.
 TARGET                               ƒ Implement carbon reduction projects          ƒ Space Temperature Policy.

                                     within existing buildings.                      ƒ Environmental Management System.
   ƒ To be carbon neutral by 2040.                                                   ƒ Procurement Policy.
                                      ƒ Measure the RVC’s Scope 3 emissions
   ƒ Implement recommendations from   through procurement activities, and            ƒ Business Air and Hotel Travel Policy.
 Heating Decarbonisation Plan.       develop an appropriate metric to                ƒ Treasury Policy.
                                     monitor them.
 KEY                                  ƒ Monitor and analyse carbon data and

 PERFORMANCE                         provide regular updates to the College.
 We aim to reduce scope 1,2   INDICATORS     ƒ Investigate further opportunities for
                                     renewable energy.
 and 3 carbon emissions whilst        ƒ Investigate opportunities to invest for
                                     change through RVC investments.
 supporting the RVC’s plans for     ƒ Carbon emissions from energy use     ƒ Ensure that environmental impact is a
                                     key consideration in the mangement of
 growth in research and clinical     ƒ Carbon emissions from water use.  our investment portfolio.

   ƒ Carbon emissions per staff/student
 activities.    (tonnes/FTE).         ƒ Continue metering strategy.

   ƒ Percentage of energy generated from
 onsite low carbon sources (%).

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