Page 15 - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy







Page 15 - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy
P. 15


                        True inclusion can only happen                IV. Promote robust reporting and supporting
                        when every single student and                 structures through which staff and students
                        member of staff feels safe to                 can raise concerns.
                        bring their whole selves to                   V. Recognise and celebrate the diversity
                        campus and feels they belong                   of our students and staff.
                        in our community.                                                                      Create a culture
                                                                                                               of inclusivity that
                        The responsibility for building an
                        inclusive community lies with the                                                      engenders belonging
                        institution, but also within each                                                      in the RVC community
                        individual member of our
                        community.                                                                             and that generates
                                                                                                               credibility and trust.
                        We will:

                        I .Encourage and expect inclusive behaviours
                        from all.
                        II.  Create EDI-focused induction for students
                        and staff joining our institution. These will be
                        designed to raise awareness of EDI issues,
                        emphasise the importance of EDI in RVC and
                        to defi ne expected standards of behaviour.
                        III. Work with the RVC Students Union to
                        promote a common EDI vision and to get
                        engagement from our students.

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