Page 8 - RVC Estates Strategy 2023 - 2030







Page 8 - RVC Estates Strategy 2023 - 2030
P. 8


                             RESEARCH                                       CLINICAL                                   TEACHING AND
                                                                            SERVICES                                   RESIDENTIAL
                              Review research space across the
                                estate to:
                                                                           New clinical and diagnostic facilities      Provide an adequate pool of student
                              Improve quality.
                                                                            to support the best clinical, research       accommodation to meet the needs of
                               Consolidate to effect effi ciencies          and educational outcomes - diversifi ed       the varied student cohort in the right
                                through shared facilities.                  general and developed specialist             locations.
                               Consider location: Improve adjacencies      services.                                   Assess the changing needs for student
                                and zoning.                                                                              accommodation and adapt facilities to

                              Rationalise siting of wet, dry and                                                        allow for fl exible travel and study.
                                clinically sensitive spaces.                                                            Continue to enhance our teaching
                              Rationalise and improve the adaptability                                                  facilities and align them with new
                                of existing space to refl ect the ever-                                                   technologies and different ways of
                                changing needs of RVC research                                                           learning.
                                programmes.                                                                             Build on the success of our recent and
                                                                                                                         current developments.

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