Page 19 - RVC Welcome Pack 2023







Page 19 - RVC Welcome Pack 2023
P. 19


               App                                              IT setup and Digital Learning

               Get ready for Welcome Week and Five Ways to      As an RVC student, you’ll have the benefit of
               BE Well by downloading the official free RVC     an advanced information service, a resource-
               app from the App Store or Google Play.           rich library and a Digital Learning team to
                                                                support you using all the tools for your study.
                                                                Once you enrol with the Royal Veterinary
                                                                College, you’ll be set up with your own IT/
               You will receive your RVC account details        library account giving access to the extensive
               as part of pre-enrolment in the first week of    range of services and facilities including access
               September. Once you have your RVC email          to LEARN our virtual learning environment.
               address you will be able to login to the app.
                                                                We recommend you to check your personal
               The RVC app is a one-stop shop to access:        IT set-up before you arrive to make sure it is   The Digital Learning team and the LEARN

               •  Welcome Week and 5 Ways to BE Well            compatible with your programme needs. The        helpdesk is here to help you to learn how to use
                 events sign-ups                                RVC Library offer a limited number of new        all of the tools you’ll need during your course
               •  Campus Bus timetables                         laptops at a reduced price. Please contact the   of study including LectureCapture and LEARN
               •  Campus maps                                   Library directly to enquire about these laptops   where you can find all your course materials.
               •  Student support services                      by emailing                    In Kickstart and Welcome week you will be
               •  Report and Support                            The College operates a combined Library,         introduced to all the of the digital tools you will
               •  Consent Matters                               IT and Estates (ISD) service desk in order       be using throughout your studies and meet our
               •  SU shop for equipment purchase                to best support students with day-to-day IT      team of Digital Learning Champions who offer
               •  Helpdesk                                      and information based activities, which can      peer-to-peer support for all our students.
               •  RVC LEARN, videos and assignments             be accessed remotely. A joint IT and Library
               •  Links to the Library                          enquiry desk also operates in the Learning
               •  Shopping links for day-to day essentials      Resources Centre at each campus.                    Find out more about learning support at
               •  Transport for London (TFL) updates                                                                the RVC, including Digital Bytes Events.
               •  Report and Support
               •  You said... we did
               •  FAQ


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