
This data is only valid for those applying to the RVC in the 2024 Admissions cycle whose GCSEs/National 5s have been taken in 2022 and who are sitting their Level 3 qualification in 2024. Applicants who have sat their qualifications outside of this time should contact Admissions.

The data is updated annually and therefore may be subject to change in future years.

A 'Yes' in either the Level 2 or Level 3 column indicates that the school concerned is considered as an RVC Contextual School for that level only (e.g. only where an applicant has taken qualifications at that level and at that institution).

A 'No' in either column indicates the school concerned is not considered an RVC Contextual School for that level.

'Please contact Admissions' means there is currently insufficient data available to determine whether the school can be considered as an RVC Contextual School. Prospective applicants should contact Admissions prior to applying to the programme in order to see if a conclusion can be reached. If the school has has not explicitly been determined as contextual by the calculator or Admissions, applicants should not use this criterion towards their application.

You can search for your school by full or partial school name.

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