
Messages from Professor Stuart WJ Reid, President & Principal of the RVC, (primarily to students and staff of the RVC) during 2024. Read previous messages from 2023 here.

February 2024

Latest Message from Principal 13th February 2024

I can hardly believe we’re already nearly half-way through February and the snowdrops are pushing through the sodden late winter ground into the promise of a spring to come.

Whether you are celebrating the half way point in the academic calendar, the half way point in your course,  or LGBTQ+ History month, it has been a really busy start to the year and there have been some exciting and welcome developments – not least access to the Eclipse toilets from the Student Learning Centre (SLC)!  Hopefully you’ve all seen Jo Payne’s latest Hawkshead Development News.

The American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) met in last month and, for those who are less familiar with the membership organisations to which we belong, AAVMC is the equivalent of Veterinary Schools Council (VSC) but embraces all the schools who carry accreditation from the AVMA’s Council on Education.  What was apparent at the meeting was that the challenges we face here are almost identical to those internationally, whether it is shortage of trained professionals, the impact of AI on education in all subjects, or the vagaries of political climate. These shared issues do reinforce the importance of working together to find common solutions across the animal health and biosciences sector. On a very positive note, and again working together, we were able to host a small alumni reception with our colleagues from Glasgow and Edinburgh at VMX, one of the largest meetings of its kind in the US. It was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with our former students from across the globe and their exciting, many and varied careers.

At the other end of the annual cycle, our student recruitment is in full swing.  Most interviews have been, or will be, completed soon and, although it is business as usual, interacting with prospective students who travel great distances to see us is a good reminder of why we are all here, and the milestones we share in their lives. Besides potential new student recruits, we also have a number of new starters amongst our staff across the organisation. In the same way as our student body is in constant flux, so too is the composition of our staff cohort, each one building on the efforts and achievements of those who went before. Welcome all!

Finally for now, the last week saw us looking in detail towards the future and addressing our strategy for the next few years. With a new clinical facility at Hawkshead, student accommodation refurbishment, a new joint degree with NTU in Singapore, support for LBIC’s expansion in the Knowledge Quarter, a new Live Animal Handling Facility at Boltons Park Farm and really significant investment in our digital futures – from learning and teaching to research systems and clinical records - there is work to be done. It’s also only a year until some major re-accreditations are scheduled and so we have started advanced planning to ensure we are ready to welcome those who sit in judgement on us.

Bring it on!

More anon.

As ever,  


PS A wee reminder... we are in peak flu and cold season at the moment so please be alert and take time out or mask up if you need to. We are still providing COVID tests free of charge at the receptions on both campuses so please test if you think you may have it – I know most are vaccinated and most will not now be getting serious clinical signs but we never know with whom our friends and colleagues might be in contact at home so please do test and act accordingly.

PPS With the new facilities opening up at Hawkshead, one request – can you please ensure that no animals or food and drink are brought through the side door to TaRC and into the new facility. The route takes you directly by Professor Werling’s research labs and so, please, human access only.

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