
Newborn foals are susceptible to a number of diseases and can quickly deteriorate or die if not treated promptly.

A foal's chances of survival and a return to complete health and athletic potential are good if signs of disease are recognised early. Sick newborn foals often require specialist veterinary care in a purpose-built equine intensive care unit.

Foals admitted to the RVC's dedicated neonatal intensive care unit at the Equine Referral Hospital and are looked after 24/7 by our expert veterinary and nursing team.

  • Our intensive care unit is fully equipped to provide state-of-the art treatment and monitoring for premature and sick foals
  • Mare and foal boxes allow stabling of mare and foal together or separately, if foals are unable to stand
  • Mares can see and smell their foals over special barriers, so that the natural bonding process is not disrupted.

Support through pregnancy

We can support your mare through a difficult pregnancy. A short and smooth delivery can make all the difference to a foal's future health and welfare.

Our team of neonatal specialists, surgeons and anaesthesiologists are on stand-by should any difficulties during birth arise to deliver the foal quickly and safely. We do all we can to send a mare back home to you with a healthy foal.

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