
A specially trained RVC Equine expert can be booked to come to your premises to conduct the procedures in your horses’ familiar surroundings (and saving you the hassle of organising transport)

Vet performing gastroscopy examination

Why does my horse need a gastroscopy?
It is the only accurate way of diagnosing horses' gastric ulcers and also the only way of knowing whether treatment has been successful.

How much is gastroscopy for horses?

One horse: £310 plus a visit fee (Visit fees are from £34.50 depending on the distance from the RVC Equine hospital in Hertfordshire)

For three or more horses at same yard a reduced price can be offered.

For an equine gastrocopy price quote. Please enquire with our reception team on 01707 666297 or email us equinereception@rvc.ac.uk

Does my horse need to be ‘nil by mouth’ prior to the gastroscopy?

For the gastroscopy to be effective – we have to inspect all areas of the stomach.
• Horses must be starved for 16 hours prior to the procedure
• This is a strict starvation so if your horse eats bedding – it will need to be muzzled
• Water must be removed 2 hours before the procedure

Does my horse need to be sedated?
Yes – although the procedure is not painful – it can be uncomfortable and unnerving for the horse so we do sedate to reduce the stress to your horse.

How long does a horse gastroscopy take?
It normally takes between 15 and 30 minutes.

How long does it take for my horse to recover from the gastroscopy?
It takes approximately one hour for your horse to recover fully from the sedation. No box rest is needed and the horse can be ridden after this recovery period. We would recommend you feed them first.

Equine gastroscopy prices vary according to the number of horses being examined on one site; and the location of the site

For further information: call us on 01707 666297 or email us at equinereception@rvc.ac.uk

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