Page 27 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 27 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 27


        BVetMed White Coat Ceremony 2021

        In March this year, our             The pledge they recite details their   •  And finally, we pledge to constantly
        veterinary medicine                 journey to becoming professionals and   strive for improvement in our personal
        students held their White           the ideals they will uphold.          and professional growth through a
        Coat Ceremony online.               "In honour of the years of hard work,   commitment to lifelong learning."

        This ceremony, which derives its    sacrifice and dedication that has   We look forward to welcoming the
        name from the days when vets and    brought us this far, as we embark into   Class of 2022 to the RVC alumni
        doctors wore white coats in clinics,   our clinical rotations, we pledge to:  community soon and wish them all the
        is a celebration of a major milestone   •  Uphold the ideals of honesty, integrity,   luck in their final year.
        whereby veterinary students enter the   scientific inquiry and compassion   Did you have a White Coat Ceremony?
        final phase of their training to become   imparted to us by our mentors  Please share your photos and memories
        vets. It is a fairly new ‘tradition’ that only                          with us!
        started at the RVC a few years ago.  •  Behave in a professional manner,
                                               showing respect to our colleagues,
        After the ceremony, the students       patients, clients, and ourselves
        entered clinics in various RVC hospitals,
        proudly wearing their clinical uniform,   •  Diligently assist the profession’s
        which identified them as final year    endeavour to improve animal health
        veterinary students.                   and welfare

         White Coat Ceremony in the Alumni Lecture Theatre, 2020

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