Page 22 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 22 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 22

New research identifies possible control

        strategies for Middle East Respiratory

        Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)

        Potential strategies for the control of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
        (MERS-CoV) have been identified among the virus’ natural host reservoir, dromedary camels.

               esearchers from the RVC      Arabia in 2012, though over 2,500 cases   that the team is currently pursuing as
               working with the London      have been identified across almost 30   part of a new project funded by the
               School of Hygiene & Tropical   countries since that time – with more than   UK Medical Research Council. This
       RMedicine (LSHTM), Rocky             a third of these individuals subsequently   work builds upon the long-standing
        Mountain Laboratories (NIH, NIAID,   dying from the disease.            relationship that exists between the
        US), Jordan University of Science and   Like other zoonotic betacoronaviruses,   RVC and partners at LSHTM, NIH and
        Technology (JUST), Yarmouk University   MERS-CoV, is thought to have originated   JUST – the relationship with JUST
        and the Jordanian government, have   among bat populations before jumping   being first initiated through a World
        recently published their findings in the   species to infect camels. However,   Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
        journal Emerging Infectious Diseases.   while infection in humans can be fatal,   twinning initiative, with support from the
        These findings identify key management   symptoms in camels are typically mild   UK Defence, Science and Technology
        practices that can help in creating   (if any), similar to the common cold.   Laboratory (DSTL) and British Embassy
        disease-free herds and identify camel   The virus is widespread among camel   in Jordan.
        groups to prioritise for vaccination.
                                            populations in Africa, the Middle East   Professor Javier Guitian, project
        MERS-CoV in humans is one of three   and South Asia, however clinical infection   leader and Professor of Veterinary
        deadly zoonotic betacoronaviruses to   in humans due to camel exposure has   Public Health at the RVC, said: “We
        have arisen over the past two decades,   only been observed within the Arabian   are very grateful for all the support
        along with Severe Acute Respiratory   Peninsula – likely due to viral strains   we’ve received from project partners
        Syndrome Coronavirus 1 (SARS-CoV-1),   circulating in the region.       and funders. This has allowed us to
        the cause of the original SARS outbreak   Study findings pave the way for   establish a multidisciplinary research
        in 2002-2003, and SARS-CoV-2,       the development and testing of      team and build a relationship of trust
        causing the current COVID-19 pandemic.   interventions aimed at reducing the risk   with communities in Southern Jordan,
        The first known outbreaks of MERS   of MERS-CoV infection among high-risk   which are central in confronting the
        occurred in hospitals in Jordan and Saudi                               global challenge posed by MERS-CoV.”
                                            communities in the region, an objective

         Photo: Peter Holloway

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