Page 36 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 36 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 36

Goodbye Allie!

                lison Langridge started as   She became known for her
                an Assistant Lecturer at the   championing of rabbit welfare, authoring
                RVC’s Clinical Skills Centre   many resources for the students and
        Ain 2009, after her degree in       writing OSCEs to assess them on
        linguistics followed by studying to be   this species care. She completed an
        a vet nurse while working in mixed and   Advanced Cert in Veterinary Nursing of
        charity practices. She left the RVC as   Avian Species alongside her role at the
        a Teaching Fellow in Clinical Skills in   RVC and also joined the Ethics Review
        January 2021.                       Panel for the RCVS.

        During her 11 years at the RVC,     She is an active member for the
        she completed an MSc in Veterinary   wider veterinary community, recently
        Education, with her research project   becoming a Veterinary Liaison Officer
        focusing on interprofessional education   for the Bedlington Terrier Rescue
        (IPE). This led to her being a founding   and can be seen chairing at BVNA,
        member of the RVC’s IPE Team,       or working as a consultant for the
        working with the student-led group   Veterinary Wound Library. Her studies
        of the IPE Club, which now has more   now include an Advanced Cert in
        than 300 members.                   Reptile and Zoo species. She is also
                                            currently an online SVN tutor for the
        She enjoyed research and supervised
        many student vets’ and veterinary   College of Animal Welfare.
        nurses’ final research projects. She   The whole CSC Team (Nicki, Fiona,
        also enjoyed her role as a Nursing Tutor   Larissa, Lyndsay, Emily) wish her well
        and supported 10 cohorts during her   and feel sure our paths will cross
        time at the RVC.                    in the future!

        Sheldon Middleton

        New BSAVA President for 2021/22

               r Sheldon Middleton has taken up                                 together, building on the success of the
               the role of President of the British                             virtual event in 2021. A new hybrid format
               Small Animal Veterinary Association                              and a new venue in Manchester will allow
       D (BSAVA) for 2021/2022.                                                 for greater flexibility and accessibility.
        Sheldon is Managing Director of RVC                                     As well as Congress 2022, Sheldon also
        Veterinary Practices Ltd which is a wholly-                             aims to focus on BSAVA’s support for
        owned subsidiary of the RVC. The company                                the small animal veterinary community as
        was formed in 2018 to acquire Acorn                                     it emerges from the pandemic.
        House Veterinary Hospital, a small animal                               Sheldon said: “Being BSAVA President
        practice in Bedford. Sheldon has been with                              has offered me the opportunity to
        the practice for 15 years, since being a new                            speak to a broad cross section of our
        graduate, and is currently Practice Principal.                          profession. Whilst there continue to be
        Acorn House is a 13-vet hospital standard   Photo: BSAVA                challenges resulting from the pandemic,
        primary care practice and functions as a                                which have rightly been highlighted and
        workplace teaching facility complementing   for much longer in a variety of voluntary   need to be addressed, one constant is
        the RVC’s other settings.           roles, including Honorary Treasurer.
                                                                                the passion and enthusiasm for the job
        Sheldon has been a member of the    The aim during his BSAVA presidency is   we do. The profession has been hit hard
        BSAVA Board for the past five years,   to focus on shaping BSAVA Congress   by recent events, but we should be very
        although he has been involved with BSAVA   2022 as the ultimate veterinary get-  proud of how we have come through.”

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