Page 30 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 30 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 30

Goat given new lease of life

         with 3D printed foot

               histle was a five week old kid   CT was performed to obtain exact
               (Nubian goat) when she was first   measurements of the size and shape   Initial prosthesis printed with PLA
                                                                                 filament and the inserted threaded bolt
               referred to Dr Melanie Perrier   of the stump in order to help design   at the bottom to allow for adjustments
        Tat the RVC’s Equine Referral       and fabricate a 3D printed prosthetic   in height as she grows
         Hospital for evaluation of a suspected   foot. Professor Richard Bomphrey of
         open fracture of her right front digits.  the Structure and Motion Lab was
                                            consulted during the whole process and
         She was born with what was initially   manufactured the prosthesis for Thistle.
         believed to be an angular/flexural
         deformity and was treated with splints   Thistle recovered well from general
         for a few weeks. As her condition did   anaesthesia. The surgical site appeared
         not improve, radiographs were taken   dry following surgery, there was no
         and an open fracture of the digits was   discharge and only minimal swelling.
         diagnosed by the referring veterinarian.   She was discharged on 27 June to go
         At that point Thistle was referred to   home under the recommendations of
         the Equine Referral Hospital for further   keeping her in a small pen or paddock
         evaluation and treatment.          until suture removal in 2-3 weeks.
                                            During that time, the bandage on her
         On presentation, Thistle was bright   right forelimb was changed every 3-4
         and alert with all vital parameters within   days, or whenever it became loose or
         normal limits. She was non weight-  soiled, until she came back to the RVC
         bearing lame on her right forelimb. She   for suture removal three weeks later.
         presented with a 4cm transverse wound
         just proximal to the coronary band. The   Thistle returned to the RVC on 13 July
         wound was full thickness and associated   2023 to have her sutures removed
         with moderate to severe instability at the   and her new prosthetic limb fitted
         digits level.                      under light sedation. The prosthesis
                                            resembles a ski boot with Velcro straps.
         A Computed Tomography (CT)         It was 3D printed with PLA filament
         scan was taken to further evaluate   and a threaded bolt was inserted at
         the fracture and determine possible   the bottom to allow for adjustments
         treatment options and prognosis. This   in height as she grows. Several
         identified chronic, open, comminuted,   modifications were made to the design
         displaced, non-articular, diaphyseal   of the prosthesis over the course of her   Her fitted prosthesis
         fractures of the phalanges. There was   stay to make it more comfortable and, in
         also complete loss of preservation   particular, easier for her to lay down.
         and joint congruency of the distal
         interphalangeal joint, with intra-  Thistle’s progress postoperatively and her
         articular gas suggestive of septic   initial response to the prosthesis are very
         arthritis and luxation.            encouraging. While she initially only used
                                            the prosthesis for a few steps, after a few
         Given the CT findings, repair of the   days she was mostly weight-bearing on it
         fracture with internal or external fixation   and showing a more natural gait.
         was not deemed possible as there
         was not enough bone left at the distal   Since Thistle had been walking on
         phalanges level. Other options were   three legs since birth she presented
         discussed with the owner, which    with severe muscle atrophy over her
         included euthanasia, amputation at the   right forelimb, and this will need to be
         level of the radius and amputation at the   built up progressively. She will wear her
         level of the distal metacarpi, with the   prosthetic for a little longer each day and
         hope to fit a prosthesis on the distal limb.  undergo regular physiotherapy exercises.
                                            She will only wear the prosthesis for a
         The owner chose amputation at the   few hours daily to start with so she can
         level of the distal metacarpi, which was   get accustomed to it gently, and this will
         performed on 21 June 2023 under    be increased over the following weeks
         general anaesthesia. A postoperative
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