Page 47 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 47 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 47


        Dr Kalema-Zikusoka is               support farmers living around habitats
        Founder and CEO of Conservation     where gorillas are found.
        Through Public Health (CTPH), an    Dr Kalema-Zikusoka has received
        award-winning non-profit NGO        fellowships and numerous awards for
        that protects endangered gorillas   her work as both a veterinarian and
        and other wildlife through One      conservationist. In 2021, she was
        Health approaches.                  recognised by Avance Media as one
        She graduated from the RVC in 1995   of the 100 Most Influential Women in
        and established Uganda Wildlife     Africa and she won the United Nations
        Authority’s first veterinary department   Environment Program Champions of
        the following year. In 2000, she did   the Earth Laureate, in the Science and
        a Zoological Medicine Residency     Innovation Category. She also became a
        and Master in Specialized Veterinary   member of the WHO Special Advisory
        Medicine at North Carolina Zoological   Group for the Origin of Novel Pathogens.
        Park and North Carolina State University,   Dr Kalema-Zikusoka has recently written
        where her master’s research on disease   a book ‘Walking with Gorillas’ and you
        at the human/wildlife/livestock interface   can read more about that and her recent
        led her to found CTPH. In 2015, she   visit to the RVC on page 61.
        founded Gorilla Conservation Coffee to

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