Page 3 - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy







Page 3 - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy
P. 3


 EDI   MISSION                                                                                 COMPASSIONATE…

 STRATEGY  Our core mission is to create a diverse,                                            as we strive for happy, healthy and resilient individuals
                                                                                               and communities.

 inclusive, caring and compassionate                                                           PROFESSIONAL…

                                                                                               as we aspire to the highest standards of behaviour and conduct
 university, where every individual                                                            in all our work and study.

 - regardless of their background,                                                             RESPECTFUL…

 identity or experience, feels valued,                                                         of one another, with tolerance and understanding at the heart of

                                                                                               our desire to create a diverse, inclusive and open culture.
 respected and empowered. We are
 committed to fostering a culture of                                                           to our work and study, to our research and innovation, to our

 equity, dismantling barriers to access                                                        teaching and our learning, to the student experience, to the
                                                                                               prevention and cure of disease, to the care of animals, and to

 and success, and to promoting                                                                 our people.

 diverse perspectives that enrich all our                                                      CURIOUS…

                                                                                               in all our endeavours as we improve, evolve and innovate, being
 activities.                                                                                   the best we can be.

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