Page 6 - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy







Page 6 - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy
P. 6


                             WHERE ARE WE NOW?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                We live in a society that has deep
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              inequalities and different biases. It is only
                                                                                                                                                                                                The strategy rests on evidence base                                                           by all different participants acknowledging
                             Advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion      national and international frameworks      We have signifi cantly reviewed our EDI                                 developed from institutional data sources                                                     and understanding these biases that we will
                             throughout the RVC is a stated objective in     to promote equal opportunities for           leadership and management structure.                                  such as the Race Equality Task Group                                                          be able to take the action required to create
                             our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.                   students and staff with particular           These changes have been made                                          (RETG), the RVC wide consultation through                                                     genuine, sustainable change and develop a
                             Over the last few years, we have strived        protected characteristics. We have           with the key objective of developing                                  the Athena Swan survey and focus groups,                                                      diverse and inclusive community.
                             continuously to build an inclusive RVC. In      renewed our Athena Swan Institution          and progressing our EDI work with a                                   progress against our current Equality
                             this journey we have been dedicated to          Bronze Award, furthering our                 strategic vision that holistically covers                             Objectives and Action Plan, and information                                                   The EDI strategy does not stand alone;
                             learning from our experiences, committed        commitment to Gender equity. We              the needs of students, staff and                                      and priorities in the wider Higher Education                                                  it will support the delivery of the wider
                             to listening to the voices of our community     have had internal initiatives such as        all areas of the institution. We have                                 EDI landscape. In addition, the strategy has                                                  RVC strategy across its mission pillars
                             and strived to adapt our practices to be        the Race Equality Task Group (RETG),         created of a new role of Vice-Principal                               drawn on the requirements of our existing                                                     of education, research and clinical care
                             more inclusive and equitable. We have –         which engaged with the staff and             for EDI, with strategic oversight for                                 commitments under the University’s Access                                                     and will aim to refl ect the EDI objectives
                             and will keep on – creating opportunities       student community on issues relating         EDI. Furthermore, we recognised                                       and Participation Plan, the Athena Swan                                                       embedded in other sub-strategies.
                             to engage with our staff and students on        to race, and produced a report with          the need for operational support to                                   Charter and the Race Equality Charter.                                                        Whilst building on our achievements to
                             a continuous basis on EDI related issues,       a series of recommendations for the          advance our EDI work and committed                                                                                                                                  date, the strategy aims to be forward
                             so that together as a community we can          RVC.  Following on from the RETG,            the fi nancial and human resources to                                  In setting out our vision for EDI we are                                                      looking and bold in articulating a vision that
                             shape our future direction.                     we signed up to the Race Equality            create the EDI Unit, initially comprised                              mindful that many intersecting factors shape                                                  will see EDI genuinely embedded in all our
                                                                             Charter. In addition, we have taken          of the Head of EDI and the EDI
                                                                                                                                                                                                the individual identities and experiences of                                                  activities and in our institutional culture.
                             Notable outcomes of our initiatives so far      up membership to Stonewall, the              Coordinator.                                                          our community; these include the protected
                             include:                                        Disability Confi dent Scheme and the       This is RVC’s fi rst EDI strategy; it is a                                characteristics as defi ned in the Equality Act                                                The strategy aspires to focus not only on
                               We expanded our engagement with              Hidden Disabilities scheme.  These        strategy for our whole community, and it                                 (2010) and more, including - age, disability,                                                 our systems, and policies, but also on
                                various external equality charters that      all support our work towards Race,        aspires to be accessible and actionable                                  sex, gender identity, race, religion/belief,                                                  our institutional culture, so as to allow
                                are designed to drive forward cultural       LGBTQIA+ and Disability equity.           across all our activities.                                               sexual orientation, socio-economic status,                                                    us to build momentum for sustained and
                                and systemic changes, by establishing
                                                                                                                                                                                                the experiences of being a parent or carer.                                                   sustainable positive change.

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