Page 20 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 20 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 20

Social media at a glance

        It has been a busy year at the RVC, with lots of exciting things to

        share. Here are some of our social media highlights

        Ganas the Komodo dragon from         Five of our final year BVetMed     One of our BVetMed students,
        @zsllondonzoo recently paid us a visit   students gave outstanding      Katherine Edmondson, won the
        for a CT scan. These are the biggest lizards   presentations at the     “All creatures great and small”
        in the world and we always love to meet   @BSAVACONGRESS last week –    category of the BVA Veterinary
        more exotic patients to provide advanced   Sierra Latshaw, Abbie Williams,    Photographer of the Year 2023 with her
        diagnostics from our specialist team  Katelyn Park, Lauren Prisk and    photograph entitled “On the shoulders
                                             Vilma Vaattovaara, pictured here with   of giants”. Well done Katherine!
        JANUARY 2023                         Dr Dan O’Neill, Associate Professor in   #BVAPhotoComp
                                             Companion Animal Epidemiology.     ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE
                                                                                (SHARED BRITISH VETS POST) X,
                                             ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE,          FORMERLY KNOWN AS TWITTER,
                                             MARCH 2023                         MAY 2023

                                            We’re touched to be involved in
                                            tonight’s tribute episode of ‘Paul
                                            O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs’ at
                                            8.30pm on @ITV
                                            In late 2022 Paul visited our RVC Queen
                                            Mother Hospital for Animals to help nurse
                                            Newfoundland Peggy back to health after
                                            her operation to repair her back legs
                                            ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE,
                                            APRIL 2023

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