Page 24 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 24 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 24

Interventions in Wild Animal Health

        trains vets in India

        Dr Stuart Patterson, Associate Dean for Postgraduate Teaching and Learning

                  s soon as we left the crowds   crime and forensic investigation, and wild   founding member of the WHB, working
                  of Delhi behind and began to   animal restraint and anaesthesia. The   with colleagues at ZSL as early as 2009
                  zip south along the highway   delegates were made up of local Indian   to establish this programme.
                  towards Rajasthan, I could   wildlife vets, CPD students from around   The WHB vision is to achieve global
        Aappreciate the developing          the world, and MSc students from the   capacity in highly trained wildlife health
        infrastructure in India. This was my   University of Edinburgh. Teaching was   professionals in a synergised network.
        second trip to the Sariska Palace tiger   delivered by members of the Wildlife   As well as this field course, member
        reserve, helping to lead the Interventions   Health Bridge (WHB), a collaboration   institutions run their own courses, such
        in Wild Animal Health (IWAH) field   of institutions that have been working   as our MScs in Wild Animal Health and
        course, and it was fantastic to be back.   together for over ten years.  Wild Animal Biology, feeding into this
        Whilst the road network had changed,   This was the eighth annual iteration   network of trained professionals.
        as we approached the palace, it was   of this course, all so far hosted at the
        reassuring to see that the grandeur of   Sariska in Rajasthan, India (barring online   Our local hosts are always fantastically
        the course’s setting remained the same.                                 welcoming. Arriving at a tiger reserve
                                            versions in 2021 and 2022), and I have
        The 2023 IWAH field course got      been involved in the organisation of four   for the first time is always going to be a
                                                                                big experience, but arriving to garlands,
        underway on 16th February this year,   of these on behalf of the RVC.   cool drinks and local drums is something
        with 21 participants from eight different   The WHB is made up of staff from the   else! It was great to see how quickly
        countries arriving in Delhi. For over two   Zoological Society of London (ZSL),   participants from around the world
        and a half weeks these veterinarians from   University of Edinburgh, University of   bonded, both with each other, and with
        around the world would be receiving   Melbourne, Wildlife Institute of India, and   the tutors, more often than not, over
        advanced training in wild animal    ourselves at the RVC. During his time at   cups of sweet chai! It wasn’t all hard
        population monitoring, wildlife health   the RVC, Professor Richard Kock was a   work and learning. We were welcomed
        and field disease investigation, wildlife

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