Page 23 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 23 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 23


        RVC hosts the British Society of Veterinary

        Pathology 2023 autumn meeting

        Over the weekend of 23rd-24th September over 70 veterinary pathologists, veterinarians,
        veterinary residents and undergraduate veterinary students attended the British Society of
        Veterinary Pathology (BSVP) autumn meeting which took place at the Hawkshead Campus.
        Both national and international delegates attended, and the event was sponsored by Finn
        Pathologists. The focus was on liver pathology.

        The conference took place in the newly   Three anatomic pathology residents   A charity raffle was held in support of the
        opened Student Learning Centre (SLC)  – Dr Fabian Lean (RVC), Dr Jordan   RVC Student Support Fund, which helps
        and speakers included Professor     Mitchell (RVC) and Dr Shauna Hilton   students in financial difficulties. A print
        Emeritus John Cullen from North     (University of Nottingham) – were   of the watercolour painting ‘Titch the
        Carolina State University. The attendance  the recipients of the BSVP bursary   pet lamb’ from RVC Boltons Park Farm
        of clinical pathologists, anatomic   awards. They all presented posters on   was donated by artist Dr Beth Reilly. The
        pathologists and clinicians allowed   their current research and diagnostic   canvas was raffled off and raised a good
        for particularly interesting discussions   cases. In addition, the winners of   amount for the fund.
        between the various groups on the   the BSVP Green Labs Competition     On the Saturday evening there was a
        management of liver disease.        presented their projects, which aimed   social dinner at the Old Paparazzi in
                                            to increase sustainability within
        Lecture topics included ‘taking a good liver   working laboratory environments.   Potters Bar. It was a lovely event and
        biopsy’, ‘congenital vascular disorders’,                               alumni reminisced over their student days.
        ‘chronic hepatitis’, ‘prevalence, and   Dr Sandra Dawson from Nationwide   Prior to the dinner, Professor Simon
        management of feline liver disease in   Laboratories presented a project on   Priestnall (recently appointed Head of
        the UK’, ‘biochemical evaluation during   water awareness to reduce wastewater.   the Department of Pathobiology and
        liver injury’, ‘cytology and interpretating   Dr Rachel Garty and Catherine Hincks   Population Sciences) gave a tour of
        hepatic cell morphology’, ‘congenital biliary   from RVC Diagnostic Laboratories   the new facilities in the SLC for visiting
        disorders’, and ‘neoplasia of the liver and   presented a project to reduce plastic   delegates and provided more information
        viral hepatitis in dogs, cats and horses’.  waste by substituting plastic cassette   on the work currently undertaken by the
                                            lids with metal replacements.
                                                                                RVC Pathology Group.
                                                                                Dr Rachel Garty said, “The two days
                                                                                were a remarkable success for the
                                                                                BSVP and the RVC. The large cohort
                                                                                of delegates, fantastic lectures on
                                                                                liver pathology and time spent among
                                                                                RVC alumni illuminated the best parts
                                                                                of the veterinary profession as an
                                                                                interconnected and cooperative team.”

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