Page 36 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 36 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 36


         RVC Students’ Union President 2022-23

         Legend Thurman

                ver the past academic year,   We also experienced a great loss of not   new era, with changes in leadership
                the RVC community has been   only a long-standing supporter of our   as well as those of brick and mortar,
                bustling with excitement during   institution but a loyal friend and lover of   we will continue to advance to new
        Othe return of long-awaited         animals, Queen Elizabeth II, followed by   heights in education, innovation, and
        events, such as Freshers’ Fair, Christmas   the coronation of King Charles III.   inspiration for academic society and
        Ball, and May Ball.                                                    the world as a whole.
                                            Our alumni’s ongoing generosity
        We also have had the privilege to   is always greatly appreciated in   Serving as the RVCSU President
        be a part of the renovation efforts at   supporting our students through   2022-2023, during my final year as
        Hawkshead Campus, seeing the rise   the RVC Alumni Fund, including the   a veterinary medicine student, was a
        of the new clinical teaching building on   hardship fund, as well as scholarships   great honor. I worked with a plethora of
        campus with all the fixings.        for placements and clubs/societies.   individuals from different backgrounds
                                            Your contributions are always invaluable   and experiences, towards a new
        These advancements all took place   towards sustaining student welfare   plan for student engagement and
        during a typical period of RVC life,   and advancing learning opportunities.   involvement. My aspiration is that this
        where research projects were being   Therefore, on behalf of the student   newly formed partnership between the
        planned, students were on placements/  body, I send a resounding thank you for   RVC and the RVCSU will continue to
        rotations, coffee was being shared   your continued efforts and support!  break barriers, strive for excellence,
        amongst colleagues and thoughts of                                     feed back constructive criticism, and
        graduation circulated in the minds of   It is my great hope that as life at the   thrive in its vision.
        final year students.                RVC advances into a new year and a

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