Page 39 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 39 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 39


        the course in the late evening, with a   and sheep! Thankfully, the marshals   Strafford graciously offered 10% off all
        beautiful sunset. We were praying for   were there to raise spirits with music   food and drink to runners with a cowbell
        the same weather the following day!   and handwritten signs, encouraging the   medal. There were very kind words of
        Thankfully, at 5.30am on the morning of   runners as they went past.    praise for our race directors, which was
        the race, it dawned bright and sunny,   The first runner back was Nayana Jain   much appreciated.
        and we were able to walk the course   of Barts and The London with a time of   Overall, we were really pleased with how
        one final time with the help of our brilliant   22.52 in the women’s 5km. Our men’s   the day went and elated that the race
        volunteers. A charity bake sale was set up,   5km was won by Soren Wehrheim in a   was able to be successfully brought
        as well as the finisher’s cowbell medals,   time of 26.44. The 10km men’s race was   back, post-pandemic. Thanks to our
        water and Dorset flapjacks as goodies to   won by Joe Thompson of Barts and The   runners and sponsors for supporting the
        be enjoyed at the end of the race.
                                            London with a fantastic time of 42.57 and   event, through these efforts we raised
        The runners set off at 10.30am sharp,   the women’s 10km was won by Barbara   £300 for the Right2Run project. We
        starting from the Sports and Wellbeing   Kubis-Labiak in 56.12. It was then time for   hope to see you all again next year!
        Centre (SAWC) on our Hawkshead      prize giving, with top finishers receiving a
        Campus, following a route through the   snood, kindly provided by Buff (one of our
        surrounding fields. It was a challenging   recurring sponsors).
        course, with the runners contending   It was then off to the pub, for a well-  Photographs by Matthew Ryan
        with uneven grassy terrain, footbridges,
                                            earned pint and some food! The      – Fossil Works Projects

        President of The Association

        of Veterinary Students

        Jack Conway

                   hen I joined vet school, I never                                                 Jack Conway
                   thought I’d do anything big. But
                   it was an honour to be elected
        WPresident of The Association of
        Veterinary Students (AVS) in April.

        AVS represents veterinary students at all
        ten vet schools in the UK and Ireland. Our
        aim is to improve veterinary student life
        and education by providing representation,
        support and encouraging engagement in
        wider issues of the profession.
        AVS formed in 1942 and carries a long
        list of Presidents since then, representing
        students within the whole veterinary
        sphere at the highest level. From talks
        to conferences to speaking at London
        Vet Show, it has allowed me incredible
        opportunities and networking with the
        leaders of the veterinary industry past,
        present and future.

        We also run AVS Congress, an
        educational weekend for students and
        AVS Sports Weekend, a weekend of
        sport and socialisation.
        I look forward to continuing representing
        students and making vet school fit for
        the modern-day veterinary student on
        topics such as EMS, harassment and
        widening participation.

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