Page 12 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 12 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 12

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion:

        progress and challenges

        Christine Thuranira-McKeever

               he last 12 months since our   Here is a snapshot of some of the EDI   the renewal of our current Bronze
               time of writing in the last edition   work that has been going on:   award. This work is led by our two
               have been a busy time for                                        co-chairs – Dr Sharon Kendall and
        TEquality, Diversity and Inclusion   March saw the celebration of       Dr Nicola Menzies-Gow, with the
                                            International Women’s Day; this year’s
        (EDI). A huge amount has been going   theme was ‘Choose to Challenge’   support of a dynamic self-assessment
        on – conversations, working groups,   and the aim was to celebrate women’s   team comprising members of staff
        action plans, reports, policies – all   achievements, raise awareness against   and student representation.
        undertaken to honour our commitment   bias and take action for equality. As   We marked the Trans Day of Visibility
        to having an inclusive, diverse and   part of the day’s celebrations, we were   on 31st March with the launch of
        welcoming community, where our      proud to share profiles of a number   a Transgender Policy for the RVC.
        students and staff work together to   of female staff, highlighting some of   The Transgender Policy is designed to
        ensure professionalism, mutual respect   their work and contributions to the   provide information to trans students
        and collegiality.
                                            RVC. Amongst the events of the day,   and staff, as well as the whole RVC
        At the heart of EDI work is the Equality   we were pleased to host a guest   community, and it will help ensure that
        and Diversity Committee (EDC),      speaker, delivering a talk on ‘Women’s   we are a trans-inclusive community. We
        which brings together staff and     Leadership and Intersectionality’.   intend to review the policy on an annual
        student representatives from across   One of the key activities in our   basis and we are working to raise
        the RVC, all of whom are Equality and   endeavours in advancing gender   awareness of the needs of the RVC
        Diversity Champions with the remit   equality, is our Athena SWAN work.   trans community.
        to progress the equality and diversity   In the last year, we started work on
        agenda within their departments.

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