Page 9 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 9 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 9


        The day closed with a quiz hosted   The group are planning a series of talks   Contact if you’re
        by Colin and Lizzy Whiting from     for Autumn 2021 to foster relationships   interested in giving an inspirational
        VetWings and included rounds on     with other vet and veterinary nursing   talk or want to find out more. You can
        animal-themed music and vet school   schools in the UK and internationally.   also follow the society on social media
        geography. Consumption of Colin the   Sessions will include talks on utilising   @RVC_IPEC
        Caterpillar and Fizzy Lizzy cocktails were   the veterinary team, leadership, and
        encouraged and one lucky student won   caring for wildlife cases from a vet and
        an iPad from IVC Evidensia!         veterinary nursing perspective.

        The Duke of Edinburgh 1921-2021

        In April, the RVC was deeply saddened to hear of the death of its Patron of 100 years,
        His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. We were honoured to welcome
        His Royal Highness to our campus on several occasions, and extend our condolences to the
        Royal Family and Her Majesty The Queen.

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