Page 13 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 13 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 13


        In the summer of 2020, the Race     Recognising that the issues we face
        Equality Task Group (RETG) was      extend well beyond the campuses
        established to consider and address   we occupy, in addition to our internal
        race equality at the RVC. Comprised   activities, we also engaged with a
        by equal numbers of staff and students   number of wider initiatives. Examples of
        and chaired by Professor Dan Chan,   these are: the For The Record Podcast
        the group was charged with the      featuring four veterinary students’
        responsibility of providing a report and   stories about their experiences relating
        prioritised actions for the EDC to take   to their race in their journey to become
        forward. As part of its considerations,   vets, the RACE Together Veterinary
        the RETG has, in the last few months,   Survey, and initiatives led by the Royal
        engaged with different members of the   College of Veterinary Surgeons.
        RVC community and held a number     It is heartening to be able to share some
        of open conversations, to listen to   of our activities and the progress that we
        people’s experiences, perceptions   have made over the past few months;
        and views. The group’s task was a   however, we still have much to do.
        substantial one, requiring a significant
        amount of reflection, effort and time.   Overcoming inequities is a journey with   Christine Thuranira-McKeever
        It was wonderful to see this time   ongoing challenges and as we grapple
        and effort come to fruition with the   with current issues and tackle new   Read more about the RVC’s
        submission of the group’s draft report   ones, we remain firm in our belief that   commitment to EDI here:
        in August 2021. The final report will be   developing a culture that values everyone
        shared with the RVC community in the   equally is part of the success of our
        coming few months.                  institution, and it makes us and our work
                                            all the more relevant and impactful.

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