Page 8 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 8 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 8

RVC students organise the first

        global interprofessional symposium

                isheartened with social     schools and nursing institutions to set up   ultrasound, and debunking the myths on
                isolation due to COVID-19,   their own version of an interprofessional   owning a vet practice as a vet or nurse.
                on 24th April, RVC vet and vet   club – especially those that train both
       Dnursing students delivered an       professions together.               A vet nurse student commented:
        online symposium to bring the global                                    “It has been so educational and
        student veterinary community together.   The line-up consisted of; Elliot Kneba   eye-opening, and I can’t wait to go into
                                            and Amy Lyburn (The Ralph Veterinary   work on Monday and explain everything
        The Vet and Nurse Interprofessional   Referral Centre), Jack Pye (Taverham   I’ve learnt.”
        Society was established by students   Vets), Sophie White (Veterinary
        at the RVC in 2018, with support from   Behaviour Support), Helen Manning   A vet student also commented: “Thank
        the Interprofessional Education Team   (Swaffham Veterinary Centre), Jenny   you so much to everyone involved, it was
        (IPET), a group of like-minded lecturers.   Reason (Bury St Edmunds Veterinary   a huge success from an attendee point
        The society aims to encourage students   Centre), Nai-Chieh Liu (Cambridge BOAS   of view! Incredibly well run, organised,
        on both courses to learn with, from and   group) and Sam Duffy (IVC Evidensia).   professional yet friendly and ended on
        about each other and understand each                                    such a good note.”
        other’s roles in clinical practice, as formal   Over 60 students from the UK and as
        teaching is delivered separately.   far afield as Slovakia and Pakistan tuned   There were prize giveaways after every
                                            in for talks and interactive discussions.   talk with sponsorship and prize donations
        The all-day symposium coincided with   Topics included how both vets and   from; IVC Evidensia, PitPat, VetWings,
        World Veterinary Day and the main aims   vet nurses can support each other in   Burns, Hugo & Hudson, Awkward Paws,
        were to highlight the benefits of vet and   dealing with animal behaviour issues,   Nursing Knowhow, Company of Animals,
        vet nurse teams and to inspire other vet   empowering vet nurses interested in   VetYogi and ScrubcapsByJillShop.

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