Page 58 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 58 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 58

Reflecting on a veterinary-based career

        Fiona MacGillivray (BVetMed, 1993)

                etting a place to study
                veterinary medicine at
                the RVC, in 1993, has
        Gbeen one of my proudest
        achievements – particularly as I had to
        re-sit my A-levels. I remember we had
        some phenomenal teachers: Jim Bee
        contorting himself to bring to life the
        development of the neural tube, David
        Noakes sharing his vast knowledge of
        cattle reproduction, and my favourite
        subject, pharmacology, being explained
        by the inimitable Peter Lees.
        After graduating in 1998, there was a
        high demand for mixed practice jobs, and
        I ended up joining a two-man practice
        in Dumfries. I’d hoped to find a practice
        with more vets from whom I could learn
        during my first 12 months; fortunately,
        the farmers proved a huge help in
        building my confidence working as a new
        graduate. However, after eight months,
        I decided to look for a different job with
        more veterinary support and moved to a
        practice in Cheshire.

        After a couple of years, I decided to
        locum and worked for many different
        practices, ranging from 100%
        companion to 100% large animal. It
        was great meeting new people and
        experiencing the dynamics of other
        practices. However, in 2007 I was ready
        for a new challenge and decided to   and Horticulture Development Board   guest with experience or expertise
        join the Animal Health industry, first as   (AHDB) launch the BVDFree England   in communication, cows or coffee,
        technical advisor for ruminant products   campaign, and this work was recognised   sometimes all three! Former guests
        with Merial Animal Health, then moving to  when I was shortlisted as finalist for the   include vets Sarah Tomlinson and
        Elanco as their dairy marketing manager.  Veterinary Marketing Association Young   Alasdair Moffatt, dairy farmers Karen
                                            Marketer of the Year Award in 2017. In   Halton and James Robinson, and
        In my technical and marketing roles,
        I encountered vets who complained   addition to delivering technical, marketing  coming soon, the renowned animal
        that some clients were “difficult” and   and project management consultancy,   behaviourist Temple Grandin and
        unwilling to make changes based on   MacVet provides communication skills   international bestselling author and
        their advice. This was interesting to hear   training for farm vets.    former FBI agent Joe Navarro!
        and, to better understand why some   In 2022, I received a Master of Research   You can listen to the show on all
        people are perceived as difficult, I started  degree from the University of Nottingham.   podcast platforms or visit
        to study communication.             My research involved the analysis of
                                            vet-farmer nonverbal communication; the
        With the experience gained from working   findings were recently published in the
        in corporate businesses for almost nine   Journal of Dairy Science.
        years, and to allow me the flexibility to
        learn more about communication and   My latest venture is The MacVet
        how people interact, I left industry and   Podcast, launched in May 2023, and
        set up the consultancy MacVet Cattle   we already have more than 1,600
        Communications in 2016. Our first   listeners. Every fortnight we release
        project was to help the Agriculture   new episodes, where I interview a
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