Page 59 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 59 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 59



        Ayman Abdelkader tells us about his experiences of recently completing

        studies in MSc Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health
        (distance learning) with the RVC and University of London.

        I’ve been working in Abu Dhabi
        Agriculture and Food Safety Authority
        for the past 14 years. My job title is
        Policies Specialist. I’m responsible
        for developing and evaluating policies
        related to animal health and food
        safety. This includes analysis of data,
        assess risks, and collaborate with
        stakeholders to formulate effective
        policies that promote public health,
        ensure animal welfare, and maintain
        food safety standards. Moreover, I have
        to stay updated on relevant regulations,
        conduct policy research, and provide
        expertise and recommendations to
        support decision-making processes.

        My future career plans revolve around   WHAT DID YOU LIKE ABOUT         session. By effectively managing my
        furthering my expertise and making a   THE COURSE?                      time and staying disciplined, I was able
        significant impact in the field of veterinary                           to strike a balance between studying
        epidemiology and public health.     As a graduate student completing a   and fulfilling my personal and work
                                            distance learning programme, I found
        An example of where my MSc degree   the study method to be highly flexible   commitments. This approach allowed
        will contribute is that it has equipped   and convenient. It allowed me to balance   me to make consistent progress and
        me with strong research skills, data   my personal and work life effectively.   successfully complete my coursework
        analysis techniques, and critical thinking   In a typical week, I managed my time   while maintaining a healthy work-life-
        abilities, providing a solid foundation   by creating a structured schedule. I   study balance.
        for conducting meaningful research in   allocated specific time slots for studying,
        the field. The coursework and practical   which included dedicated periods
        experiences during my MSc programme   for watching lectures, conducting
        have honed my research abilities and   research, completing assignments, and
        given me the necessary tools to undertake   participating in online discussions.
        rigorous research projects in the future.
                                            To fit studying into my personal and
        My MSc degree in Veterinary         work life, I made use of available
        Epidemiology and Public Health will   resources such as online learning
        serve as a strong platform for achieving   platforms, digital libraries, and study
        my career plans. It has provided    materials provided by the university.
        me with the necessary knowledge,    I also utilised communication tools
        skills, and network to engage in    like email and discussion forums to
        advanced research, contribute to    connect with professors and fellow
        policy development, collaborate     students, seeking clarification or
        internationally, and foster a lifelong   engaging in academic discussion.
        commitment to professional growth.
                                            Additionally, I prioritised my tasks
                                            and set realistic goals for each study

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