Page 61 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 61 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 61


        Walking with Gorillas –

        the personal journey of

        Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka

          n May, as part of a worldwide tour to   After the talk, Gladys signed books and   Gladys returned to the UK in July to
          launch her book ‘Walking with Gorillas’,  spent time talking to our current students   receive an Honorary Degree from the
          we were proud to welcome back to   and staff about her career. She also had   RVC during Graduation ceremonies for
       ICamden Campus RVC alumna Dr         the opportunity to meet some of the staff   the latest RVC graduates (see page 47).
        Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka (1995).      that taught whilst she was a student in   A huge thank you to Gladys and CTPH
                                            the 1990s.
        Over 150 students, staff and alumni                                     for the image on our front cover.
        came to listen to Gladys’ personal   Gladys launched her book in South
        account of her journey in conservation   Africa and has since toured the US, UK,
        and leadership that has been shaped by   Kenya and Uganda.
        One Health. Professor David Church,
        RVC Deputy Principal, welcomed
        Gladys and her family back to Royal
        College Street and the campus where
        her journey as a vet began.
        The title of her book was inspired by
        the gorillas that have been at the centre
        of her career since her professional life
        began as Uganda’s first wildlife vet at the
        Uganda Wildlife Authority. Gladys later
        founded Conservation Through Public
        Health (CTPH), and Gorilla Conservation
        Coffee. She hopes her story will inspire
        others to protect wildlife, and create a
        brighter future for endangered species
        and ultimately, ourselves.

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