Page 63 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 63 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 63



        Class of 2003 reunions

        Brian Spar

               eing a member of the RVC     changed since 2003, expertly tailored by   lives and began our professional lives
               graduating class of 2003,    Professor Dan Brockman, who managed   together. My classmates came together
               myself and some of my        to find photos of our entire year from   from all around the globe for this reunion
       Bclassmates, thought a 20-year       2003 to put in his slide show! It was   – as far west as Texas and Oregon, USA
        reunion would be a good idea – and   wonderful to see Dan, and we were all   and as far east as Australia, and I’m very
        since we spent time between Camden   thankful that he gave up some time on a   proud to be a member of this class of
        and Hawkshead campuses, why not     Saturday to spend with us.          amazing people.
        have TWO reunions, one at each site?
                                            After this, we had a delicious lunch at   It seems like so much time has passed…
        Back in February, we started our grand   the campus restaurant and moved on to   yet no time at all. We fell right back into
        reunion tour at the Camden Campus   a tour of the entire campus, including all   step as if we never left each other, and
        – this was arranged by my classmate   the new buildings and clinical facilities   that is a gift that never gets old.
        David Walker, who liaised with the RVC   that have been erected since our   I’d like to thank the RVC alumni team,
        alumni team to make it happen. We   departure 20 years ago.             especially Samantha Benson, for
        toured the facilities, which are almost   As with Camden, the campus is almost   arranging both of our campus tours –
        unrecognisable from when we roamed   unrecognisable to us now compared to   they exceeded expectations and we all
        the halls! A couple of rooms were the   when we were students – the facilities   had a wonderful time!
        same (i.e. the anatomy lab and the   are state of the art, very modern and
        original old circular lecture theatre at   tailored to the student experience. All
        the side of the building), but the rest of   my classmates remarked how lucky the
        the place had been entirely modernised   current RVC students are to have such
        and seemed extremely comfortable and   an amazing campus to live/learn on!
        accommodating for student life.
                                            Once our tour was over, The Buttery was
        Then, in October, we reconvened at   opened for us to have a drink or two and
        Hawkshead. Once again, the RVC      catch up before we left campus to head
        alumni team went out of their way to   out to our reunion party at the West Lodge
        accommodate a group of nearly 50 of us!
                                            Park hotel. A brilliant day was had by all!
        We started the afternoon with a short   It was quite a nostalgic experience to
        presentation on how things have
                                            be back where we all ended our student
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