Page 4 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029







Page 4 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029
P. 4



                                        he RVC’s research mission is      The QS World University Rankings, which      leading to a growing focus on the cost
                                        to create, communicate and        measure academic reputation and citation     recovery of research activity, which is
                                        apply scientifi c knowledge in     of published research, have placed RVC       estimated to average 70% across the
                                        order to improve the health       as the world’s leading veterinary school for   higher education sector.
                             Tand welfare of animals and                  four consecutive years (2020-24).            The biological sciences are experiencing
                             people and the environments in which they    The RVC was awarded full University          a period of discovery and rapid
                             live.                                        status in 2023, providing a new              advancement, driven by the development
                             The scope of the RVC’s research and          opportunity to consider how research and     and availability of new technologies in
                             innovation is defi ned by this mission – we   innovation is governed and fostered.         multiple fi elds.  In the next decade, animal
                             aim to conduct world-leading research        UK bioscience research has in recent         and veterinary sciences have the potential
                             and discovery in veterinary medicine,        years been supported by relatively steady    to be transformed by the application
                             comparative biomedicine, One Health,         levels of funding, and the association of    of tools such as genome sequencing,
                             disease biology, animal welfare, and allied   the UK to Horizon Europe ended a period     biosensing, gene editing, robotics,
                             disciplines.                                 of uncertainty.  The UK government’s         bioinformatics, and artifi cial intelligence/
                             The past two decades have seen               10-year Life Sciences Vision, published      machine learning.  Directed investment in
                             sustained growth in the scale, range and     in 2021, includes an aim to maintain         people and skills will be needed to realise
                             impact of research at the RVC.  In the       and grow investment in life sciences         this potential and to enable the RVC to
                             2021 Research Excellence Framework,          research and to support the UK’s rapidly     fulfi l its responsibilities to animal and
                             RVC ranked fi rst in the UK for research      expanding bioscience and MedTech             human health in a rapidly changing world.
                             power and impact in the veterinary,          industries.  However, fi nancial pressures
                             agriculture, food and sciences.              are increasing at UK’s universities,

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